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The New York Times Summaries and Reviews

See all summaries and reviews from The New York Times at a glance.

8 Article
David Brooks
The New York Times, 2024
8 Article
Adam Grant
The New York Times, 2023
9 Article

Alone and Exploited, Migrant Children Work Brutal Jobs Across the US

Hannah Dreier traveled to Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, South Dakota and Virginia for this story and spoke to more than 100 migrant child workers in 20 states.
Hannah Dreier
The New York Times, 2023
8 Podcast

A Guide to the ‘Legal Fictions’ That Create Wealth, Inequality and Economic Crises

The legal scholar Katharina Pistor examines the hidden legal layer propping up our modern economic system.
Ezra Klein et al.
The New York Times, 2023
8 Article
Robinson Meyer
The New York Times, 2023
8 Podcast

A Skeptical Take on the AI Revolution

The AI expert Gary Marcus asks: What if ChatGPT isn’t as intelligent as it seems?
Ezra Klein and Gary Marcus
The New York Times, 2023
8 Article

The People Onscreen Are Fake.

The Disinformation Is Real.
Alan Satariano and Paul Mozur
The New York Times, 2023
8 Article

How to Focus Like It’s 1990

Smartphones, pings and Insta-everything have shortened our attention spans. Get some old-school concentration back with these tips.
Dana G. Smith
The New York Times, 2023
8 Article

He’s Baseball’s Only Mud Supplier. It’s a Job He May Soon Lose.

Jim Bintliff collects the Delaware River mud that is smeared on Major League baseballs to make them less slippery. But that tradition is in jeopardy.
Dan Barry
The New York Times, 2022
8 Podcast

Three Sentences That Could Change the World – and Your Life

The philosopher William MacAskill lays out the case for longtermism: “Future people count. There could be a lot of them. And we can make their lives better.”
Ezra Klein and William MacAskill
The New York Times, 2022
9 Article

The Sleep Debt Collector Is Here

Recent studies in humans and mice have shown that late nights and early mornings may cause long lasting damage to your brain.
Oliver Whang
The New York Times, 2022
8 Article

Meet DALL-E, the A.I. That Draws Anything at Your Command

New technology that blends language and images could serve graphic artists – and speed disinformation campaigns.
Cade Metz
The New York Times, 2022
9 Article

A Two-Year, 50-Million-Person Experiment in Changing How We Work

The office was never one size fits all. It was one size fits some, with the expectation that everybody else would squeeze in.
Emma Goldberg
The New York Times, 2022
9 Article
Bryce Covert
The New York Times, 2021
8 Article

Ukrainian Invasion Adds to Chaos for Global Supply Chains

Russia’s military incursion is severing key supply chains and setting off a scramble among global companies to comply with new sanctions.
Ana Swanson
The New York Times, 2022
8 Article

What’s at Stake for the Global Economy as Conflict Looms in Ukraine

Countries that depend on the region’s rich supply of energy, wheat, nickel and other staples could feel the pain of price spikes.
Patricia Cohen and Jack Ewing
The New York Times, 2022
9 Article
Jessica Nordell
The New York Times, 2021
9 Article
Jesse Drucker and Danny Hakim
The New York Times, 2021
9 Article
Jennifer Jett
The New York Times, 2021
8 Article

A Tiny Part’s Big Ripple: Global Chip Shortage Hobbles the Auto Industry

Almost every carmaker has had to curtail production, hampering the economic recovery.
Jack Ewing and Neal E. Boudette
The New York Times, 2021
10 Article

There’s a Name for the Blah You’re Feeling: It’s Called Languishing

The neglected middle child of mental health can dull your motivation and focus – and it may be the dominant emotion of 2021.
Adam Grant
The New York Times, 2021
8 Article

Remote Work Is Here to Stay. Manhattan May Never Be the Same.

New York City, long buoyed by the flow of commuters into its towering office buildings, faces a cataclysmic challenge, even when the pandemic ends.
Matthew Haag
The New York Times, 2021
8 Article
Jennifer Szalai
The New York Times, 2021
9 Article
Zachary D. Carter
The New York Times, 2021
9 Article

Welcome to the YOLO Economy

Burned out and flush with savings, some workers are quitting stable jobs in search of postpandemic adventure.
Kevin Roose
The New York Times, 2021
9 Article

Global Brands Find It Hard to Untangle Themselves from Xinjiang Cotton

Under pressure to renounce cotton harvested in a Chinese region marked by gruesome repression, they face a backlash from nationalist Chinese consumers.
Peter S. Goodman et al.
The New York Times, 2021
8 Article

Return to Office Plans Are Set in Motion, but Virus Uncertainty Remains

Many employers are not making a decision until many workers are vaccinated. And some are making plans for “hybrid” work arrangements.
Julie Creswell et al.
The New York Times, 2021
9 Article

Job Interviews Are Broken. There’s a Way to Fix Them.

Instead of focusing on credentials, let’s give candidates the chance to showcase their will and skill to learn.
Adam Grant
The New York Times, 2020
7 Article

A Crash Course on Climate Change

50 years after the first Earth Day
Henry Fountain et al.
The New York Times, 2020
8 Article
Brian X. Chen
The New York Times, 2020
8 Article

Take Steps to Counter the Loneliness of Social Distancing

Attempts to avoid coronavirus can increase the risk of physical and emotional harm from limited social contact.
Jane E. Brody
The New York Times, 2020
8 Article

‘Angels’ in Hell

The Culture of Misogyny Inside Victoria’s Secret
Jessica Silver-Greenberg et al.
The New York Times, 2020
9 Article

What Should You Do About Your Babysitter During Coronavirus?

Parents with regular caregivers are facing tough decisions as coronavirus forces people to isolate.
Melinda Wenner Moyer
The New York Times, 2020
8 Article

Prime Mover

How Amazon Wove Itself into the Life of an American City
Scott Shane
The New York Times, 2019
7 Article

The Do’s and Don’ts of Online Video Meetings

From setting a clear agenda to testing your tech setup, here’s how to make video calls more tolerable for you and your colleagues.
Brian X. Chen
The New York Times, 2020
8 Article

Logged on from the Laundry Room

How the CEO's of Google, Pfizer and Slack Work From Home
David Gelles
The New York Times, 2020
5 Article
Eric Ravenscraft
The New York Times, 2020
8 Article

This Is the One Thing That Might Save the World From Financial Collapse

Amid everything else, there’s a deeper economic crisis underway.
Adam Tooze
The New York Times, 2020
9 Article
Austan Goolsbee
The New York Times, 2020
8 Article

Coronavirus Outbreak Deepens Its Toll on Global Business

The disruption of China’s manufacturing network, and slowdown of its economy, have rippled through to airlines, automakers, tech companies and more.
The New York Times
The New York Times, 2020
7 Article

How to Make Work Better

A Year of Living Better
Claire Cain Miller
The New York Times, 2019
7 Article

Personality Tests Are the Astrology of the Office

Psychometric tests like Color Code, Myers-Briggs and DiSC have become a goofy part of corporate life. But what happens when we take them seriously?
Emma Goldberg
The New York Times, 2019
9 Article

Economic Incentives Don’t Always Do What We Want Them To

On their own, markets can’t deliver outcomes that are just, acceptable — or even efficient.
Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee
The New York Times, 2019
10 Video
Jaron Lanier
The New York Times, 2019
7 Article

A Woman’s Guide to Salary Negotiation

Women face unique challenges when it comes to negotiating. Use this guide to project assertiveness and confidence and earn your true value.
Kristin Wong
The New York Times, 2019
8 Article

China Deserves Donald Trump

It took a human wrecking ball to get China’s attention.
Thomas L. Friedman
The New York Times, 2019
8 Podcast
Michael Barbaro
The New York Times, 2019