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Rosabeth Moss Kanter
How Winning Streaks and Losing Streaks Begin and End
Crown, 2004
What's inside?
Trying to prolong a hot streak or end a losing streak? The key is confidence – getting it, keeping it, passing it along.
Why do winning streaks and losing streaks continue in sports, business, politics, education and even in individual personal lives? The answer, according to Harvard University business administration professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter, is “not in our stars, but in ourselves.” Winners have, and losers lack, a distinct, learnable, positive attitude toward the future, which Kanter boldly sums up in a word: confidence. Drawing on more than 300 interviews with top coaches, business people and other leaders, and using data from two surveys of more than 1,200 companies, Kanter illustrates the keys to confidence with case studies of various organizations, including sports teams. She has hidden many pearls of wisdom in this refresher on managerial basics, especially morale building
About the Author
Rosabeth Moss Kanter has been a professor at Harvard Business School since 1986 and was editor of the Harvard Business Review from 1989 to 1992. An adviser to numerous companies and governments, she serves on the boards of several public service organizations, including City Year, the national urban youth service corp. This is her sixteenth book.
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