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Norbert Csizmadia
The Power of Geography and the Mapping of the 21st Century
LID Business Media, 2019
What's inside?
Where you choose to live, work and raise a family may be the most important decision of your life.
Geographer Norbert Csizmadia argues that despite globalization and digital connectedness, geography and place retain prime importance. Geography determines the political and economic fates of people, including their development, health and quality of life. To make his arguments, Csizmadia quotes various experts and refers to global conflict, politics and power. He points to the impact of economics and the rising influence of city-regions. Despite sporadic references and a few not-quite-connected ideas, this is an insightful study with useful and sometimes profound insights.
About the Author
Chief editor of Hungarian Geopolitics magazine Norbert Csizmadia focuses on the intersection of place, politics, economics and world affairs.
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