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How Huawei Turns Groups of Newbies into Packs of Wolves

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How Huawei Turns Groups of Newbies into Packs of Wolves

China Stone Hua Xia,

5 min read
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To get its ducks in a row, communication technology company Huawei set up a stringent pre-employment training regime.

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An elevated degree of efficiency makes Huawei – one of the world’s leading tech companies – function like a well-oiled machine. To achieve this kind of efficiency, new hires undergo intensive training before they join a Huawei team. Financial writer Yu Shenghai explains what such a training looks like. The article needs clarification and restructuring in parts but does offer insights into how Huawei fosters its corporate culture and work ethic. People working in HR might find this report particularly helpful.


Contrary to 80% of Chinese companies for which onboarding training of new hires has little priority, Huawei treats this phase of recruitment as a strategic point that is crucial for the company’s development.

At Huawei, generally, each candidate goes through three stages:

  1. Preparation – Huawei approaches candidates when they are still in college. An adviser from Huawei will check on them regularly and ask them to read certain books to prepare for a potential role at Huawei. 
  2. Cultural immersion – During the second phase – also known as brainwashing phase – graduates gather at Huawei’s headquarters in Shenzhen for about a week to learn about the company’s culture and policies. Every day starts with a morning run. Afterwards, they attend classes and have discussions until 8:30pm in classrooms which display the company’s core values on the walls. In addition, ...

About the Author

Yu Shenghai is a senior media person and well-known financial writer. China Cornerstone is the largest and most professional management consulting institution in China. Its official WeChat account, China Stone Hua Xia, features articles about business management.

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