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John Adair
John Adair's 100 Greatest Ideas for Effective Leadership and Management
Capstone, 2004
What's inside?
Efficiency whiz John Adair says handle papers once, clean your desk, keep memos short and use book abstracts (of course).
John Adair offers a very good little handbook of leadership and management counsel, with some additional advice on setting personal and life goals. He provides little original material and freely gives credit to others for the ideas he borrows. He is clear and straightforward in his presentation, wasting no words. It would be beneficial to keep this book in a desk drawer or on a convenient bookshelf and look into it every day or two, reading a single page or even a single paragraph. getAbstract recommends thinking of it as a useful reminder of things you probably already know, but may forget to practice. As Adair advises, one way to manage your time is to use book abstracts whenever possible. And, see, you already do.
About the Author
John Adair is a leadership and management expert. He is the author of more than 30 books. He is a visiting professor at the University of Exeter.
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