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Colleen McKenna
Powerful Communication Skills
How To Communicate with Confidence
Career Press, 1998
What's inside?
When you speak, just 7% of the message that you convey comes through the words you say. It’s the other 93% that you have to worry about.
There’s more to communications than words, and according to Colleen McKenna you’ll have to master a diverse set of self-expression skills if you want to succeed in business. In her book, McKenna covers diverse topics ranging from speaking, writing and listening, to asserting yourself, solving problems and dealing with put-downs. The impressive breadth of the book is also its greatest weakness, in that with so much ground to cover, McKenna is in no position to delve deeply into any one point. As a result, the chapters are lacking in detail. However, each section does provide a wonderful introduction to issues like the problems of communicating with members of the opposite sex and the best ways to prepare for a public speaking engagement. getAbstract recommends this book to professionals interested in getting a well-rounded sample of several communications disciplines before plunging into more in-depth research.
About the Author
Powerful Communication Skills is the first book written by Colleen McKenna for Career Press
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