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The Age of M-Commerce

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The Age of M-Commerce

Conquering the Wireless World


15 min read
10 take-aways
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What's inside?

After E-commerce comes M-commerce.

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Editorial Rating



  • Visionary
  • Concrete Examples


Douglas Lamont, a member of IBM’s Mobile Computing Marketing Advisory Board, argues that wireless will completely supplant the fixed-wire Internet and will be the dominant way to surf, purchase and talk to your friends. Lamont even goes so far as to suggest investments: Nokia, Japan’s DoCoMo-AOL alliance and wireless infrastructure firms. He even explains why Europe and Japan lead the United States in wireless "m" (for mobile) commerce – because the U.S. has been slow to adopt a national wireless standard. getAbstract recommends this tech-literate book to anyone at all curious about the future of wireless technology and its implications.


How to Conquer the Wireless World

The widespread mobile telecommunications revolution is about to humble governments, the religious establishment and businesses. European executives believe that the wireless revolution will completely supplant the old wired Internet. Take a deep breath and think ahead, because wireless has the capability of completely overtaking and leapfrogging both wired cable and DSL services.

Give it about a decade and you will find that the mobile wireless Internet has completely and inexorably replaced today’s fixed-wired Internet. Marketers must determine how to take advantage of these massive structural changes.

Traditional marketing’s four P’s include product, price, place and promotion. Yet the wireless m-commerce revolution, which is based on a disruptive technology, requires new tactics. Here is a checklist of things to do:

  • Provide information tools - Place information applications, especially wireless Ethernet networks, in the grasp of m-commerce users.
  • Move your customers up - As the new wireless standards improve in bandwidth and performance, then you should upgrade those same customers.
  • Strategize carefully...

About the Author

Doug Lamont is the visiting professor of marketing at DePaul University in Chicago ( and managing director of DL and Associates, a Chicago-based consulting firm. He is a member of IBM’s Mobile Computing Marketing Advisory Board and the International Advisory Board of Wireless Business and Technology.

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