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Peggy Holman and Tom Devane
The Change Handbook
Group Methods for Shaping the Future
Berrett-Koehler, 1999
What's inside?
Your consultants parachuted in, dazzled you with jargon, and dashed away. If you’re trying to figure out what went wrong, check these summaries of 18 different organizational approaches to change. Next time you’ll know.
This handbook of change is a must-have for any executive, simply as a primer in the language spoken by consultants. Read this book and become instantly familiar with the latest, most successful, and even the trendiest theories of change management. The editors have evaluated 18 leading change methods, as applied and tested by some of the largest corporations in the United States. They group the change methods by functional categories, making it easier for readers to go directly to the method that applies to their particular problem. Another bonus: The leading practitioners in the field write the change method chapters, bringing a unique depth of perspective. The editors also have written several excellent chapters on the nature of change. An extraordinary comparative matrix - worth the price of the book by itself - is included in the "Afterword." getAbstract recommends this book to executives, managers, change agents, human resources professionals and students.
About the Authors
Peggy Holman is a writer and consultant who works with organizations to help them achieve cultural transformation. Tom Devane is an internationally known consultant and speaker specializing in transformation.
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