Michael Morris
The First-Time Manager
The First Step to a Brilliant Management Career
Kogan Page, 2005
What's inside?
Just been promoted? Congratulations! But bone up on management basics (written and tacit) if you want to be a great boss.
If you’re about to become a manager for the first time and aren’t really sure what you’re getting into, author Michael Morris’ book is required reading. It provides a wealth of information and insight into your new job. Likewise, if you are a first-time manager and you’re floundering a bit, read this to see how to turn your new career around and become successful. getAbstract.com also recommends it to anyone who is considering an executive career. Here’s a sneak peak into what you can expect as a member of management.
About the Author
Michael Morris is a columnist for Better Business magazine and the author of Starting a Successful Business. An authority on management and other business issues, he consults with small companies, teaches college business courses and writes for business schools.
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