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Pat Dorsey
The Little Book That Builds Wealth
The Knockout Formula for Finding Great Investments (Little Book Big Profits)
Wiley, 2008
What's inside?
How to strike it rich? Find an undHow to strike it rich? Find an undervalued but sound and profitable company, buy its stock, and then sit on it.ervalued but sound and profitable company, buy its stock, and then sit on it.
How do you pick stocks? Do you pay attention to earnings? Chart patterns? Growth potential? Your Uncle Morty? Instead of all that, use the same basic system that investment guru Warren Buffett perfected: Look for solid profitable companies that own a piece of the market, buy their stock and hold it a long time. Morningstar, the investment research company, uses the same approach to analyze and rate stock values. Its director of equity research, Pat Dorsey, explains its stock analysis system in this small volume. The stock selection system calls for seeking companies with protected unique advantages, called “economic moats.” What sounds straightforward in theory may not be as easy in practice: Finding a structurally protected stock today is not necessarily a simple stroll across the drawbridge. Still, getAbstract finds Dorsey’s presentation succinct and readable, and recommends it to investors who are not yet familiar with value investing and similar approaches.
About the Author
Pat Dorsey, CFA, is Director of Equity Research at Morningstar. He helped develop the company’s stock rating system.
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