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Norman Vincent Peale
The Power of Positive Thinking
Touchstone, 2003
What's inside?
This 1952 self-improvement classic has helped millions with its faith-based focus on optimism, healing and nurturing.
If you are looking for a guide to faith-based self-improvement, this book is, well, the bible. In one of the earliest contemporary self-help books, famed clergyman Norman Vincent Peale explains how you can overcome any obstacle, internal or external, through the dynamic combination of the "science of faith" with psychological counseling and modern medicine. He teaches you how to banish the negative thoughts that cause fear and failure, and replace them with "the power of positive thinking." In this warm, faith-based book, first published 1952, he teaches readers his approach to solving problems and accepting yourself. He advocates using the New Testament and prayer to attain peace, happiness, love and success. The catch is, you must be one of the faithful to take full advantage of Peale’s Christian teachings. His classic bestseller is more than a warm, if slightly quaint, self-help book. It’s a cultural icon, filled with old-time religion and practical examples. getAbstract recommends it as a touchstone in this genre. If you want to walk this path, Peale got here first. In fact, many of today’s self-development bestsellers have their roots in this book.
About the Author
Norman Vincent Peale was one of the twentieth century’s most influential clergymen. He published 46 inspirational books, including such bestsellers as The Power of Positive Thinking, The Art of Living, Confident Living and This Incredible Century. His broadcast sermons and his weekly newsletter, Guideposts, reached millions.
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