Career Press Resúmenes

Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Career Press.

8 Book

The Bruce Lee Code

How the Dragon Mastered Business, Confidence, and Success
Thomas Lee
Career Press, 2023
9 Book
McKenna Sweazey
Career Press, 2022
9 Book

Turn Your Fandom Into Cash

A Geeky Guide to Turn Your Passion Into a Business (or at least a Side Hustle)
Carol Pinchefsky
Career Press, 2022
8 Book

Find Your Happy at Work

50 Ways to Get Unstuck, Move Past Boredom, and Discover Fulfillment
Beverly Jones
Career Press, 2021
7 Book

Wait, I’m Working with Who?!?

The Essential Guide to Dealing with Difficult Coworkers, Annoying Managers, and Other Toxic Personalities
Peter Economy
Career Press, 2021
7 Libro

Espere, tengo que trabajar… ¿¡con quién!?

La guía esencial para lidiar con compañeros de trabajo difíciles, gerentes molestos y otras personalidades tóxicas
Peter Economy
Career Press, 2021
8 Book

How to Listen and How to Be Heard

Inclusive Conversations at Work
Alissa Carpenter
Career Press, 2020
8 Libro

Cómo escuchar y ser escuchado

Conversaciones inclusivas en el trabajo
Alissa Carpenter
Career Press, 2020
8 Book

The 7 Secrets of Responsive Leadership

Drive Change, Manage Transitions, and Help Any Organization Turn Around
Jackie Jenkins-Scott
Career Press, 2020
8 Book

Creating a Drama-Free Workplace

The Insider's Guide to Managing Conflict, Incivility & Mistrust
Anna Maravelas
Career Press, 2020
8 Libro

Cómo crear un lugar de trabajo libre de drama

La guía completa para manejar el conflicto, la incivilidad y la desconfianza
Anna Maravelas
Career Press, 2020
6 Book

Never Go with Your Gut

How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters
Gleb Tsipursky
Career Press, 2019
9 Book

Get People to Do What You Want

How to Use Body Language and Words for Maximum Effect
Gregory Hartley and Maryann Karinch
Career Press, 2019
6 Libro

Nunca se deje llevar por su instinto

Cómo los líderes pioneros toman las mejores decisiones y evitan desastres empresariales
Gleb Tsipursky
Career Press, 2019
6 Book
Ann Marie Sabath
Career Press, 2019
6 Libro

Todo el mundo tiene un libro dentro

Cómo sacarlo a la luz
Ann Marie Sabath
Career Press, 2019
9 Book

Turn Enemies into Allies

The Art of Peace in the Workplace (Conflict Resolution for Leaders, Managers, and Anyone Stuck in the Middle)
Judy Ringer
Career Press, 2019
9 Libro
Judy Ringer
Career Press, 2019
8 Book
David Avrin
Career Press, 2019
8 Libro
David Avrin
Career Press, 2019
8 Book

Decisive Intuition

Use Your Gut Instincts to Make Smart Business Decisions
Rick Snyder
Career Press, 2019
8 Libro

Intuición decisiva

Use su instinto para tomar decisiones inteligentes de negocios
Rick Snyder
Career Press, 2019
6 Book

Serve Up, Coach Down

Mastering the Middle and Both Sides of Leadership
Nathan Jamail
Career Press, 2018
6 Libro

Sirva a su jefe, dirija a su equipo

Dominar el medio y ambos lados del liderazgo
Nathan Jamail
Career Press, 2018
6 Book

Negotiating with a Bully

Take Charge and Turn the Tables on People Trying to Push You Around
Greg Williams
Career Press, 2018
8 Book

The Manager’s Answer Book

Powerful Tools to Build Trust and Teams, Maximize Your Impact and Influence, and Respond to Challenges
Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gamlem
Career Press, 2018
8 Libro

El libro de respuestas del gerente

Herramientas poderosas para crear confianza y equipos, maximizar su impacto e influencia y responder a los desafíos
Barbara Mitchell y Cornelia Gamlem
Career Press, 2018
7 Book

Make the Most of Your Workday

Be More Productive, Engaged and Satisfied as You Conquer the Chaos at Work
Mary A. Camuto
Career Press, 2018
7 Book

Your Creative Career

Turn Your Passion into a Fulfilling and Financially Rewarding Lifestyle
Anna Sabino
Career Press, 2018
7 Libro

Su carrera creativa

Convierta su pasión en un estilo de vida gratificante y económicamente satisfactorio
Anna Sabino
Career Press, 2018
7 Book

The Unstoppable Organization

Empower Your People, Engage Your Customers, and Grow Your Revenue
Shawn Casemore
Career Press, 2017
7 Book
Barbara Mitchell and Cornelia Gamlem
Career Press, 2017
7 Libro
Barbara Mitchell y Cornelia Gamlem
Career Press, 2017
8 Book

Problem Solved

A Powerful System for Making Complex Decisions with Confidence and Conviction
Cheryl Strauss Einhorn
Career Press, 2017
8 Libro

Problema resuelto

Un poderoso sistema para tomar decisiones complejas con confianza y convicción
Cheryl Strauss Einhorn
Career Press, 2017
7 Book

The Zombie Business Cure

How to Refocus Your Company’s Identity for More Authentic Communication
Julie C. Lellis and Melissa Eggleston
Career Press, 2017