AMACOM Résumés

Aperçu rapide des résumés de AMACOM.

9 Livre

Équipes extrêmes

Pourquoi Pixar, Netflix, Airbnb et d’autres entreprises de pointe réussissent là où la plupart échouent
Robert Bruce Shaw
AMACOM, 2017
9 Book

Extreme Teams

Why Pixar, Netflix, Airbnb, and Other Cutting-Edge Companies Succeed Where Most Fail
Robert Bruce Shaw
AMACOM, 2017
9 Livre

Le marketing disruptif

Les nouvelles normes des fanatiques de la croissance et autres intellectuels hybrides
Geoffrey Colon
AMACOM, 2016
9 Book

Disruptive Marketing

What Growth Hackers, Data Punks, and Other Hybrid Thinkers Can Teach Us About Navigating the New Normal
Geoffrey Colon
AMACOM, 2016
9 Book

Jobs to Be Done

A Roadmap for Customer-Centered Innovation
Stephen Wunker et al.
AMACOM, 2016
9 Book

No Sweat

How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness
Michelle Segar
AMACOM, 2015
9 Livre

Diriger avec humilité

Les 12 leçons de leadership du pape François
Jeffrey A. Krames
AMACOM, 2014
9 Book

Lead with Humility

12 Leadership Lessons from Pope Francis
Jeffrey A. Krames
AMACOM, 2014
9 Book

Data Crush

How the Information Tidal Wave is Driving New Business Opportunities
Christopher Surdak
AMACOM, 2014
9 Book

Exceptional Service, Exceptional Profit

The Secrets of Building a Five-Star Customer Service Organization
Leonardo Inghilleri and Micah Solomon
AMACOM, 2010
9 Book

Managing Government Employees

How to Motivate Your People, Deal With Difficult Issues, And Achieve Tangible Results
Stewart Liff
AMACOM, 2007
9 Book

Acing the Interview

How to Ask and Answer the Questions That Will Get You the Job!
Tony Beshara
AMACOM, 2008
9 Book
James Stroman et al.
AMACOM, 2008
9 Book

Seven Secrets for Negotiating with Government

How to Deal With Local, State, National, or Foreign Governments - and Come Out Ahead
Jeswald W. Salacuse
AMACOM, 2008
9 Book

The Giants of Sales

What Dale Carnegie, John Patterson, Elmer Wheeler, and Joe Girard Can Teach You About Real Sales Success
Tom Sant
AMACOM, 2006
9 Book

The Wright Way

7 Problem Solving Principles from the Wright Brothers That Can Make Your Business Soar
Mark Eppler
AMACOM, 2003
9 Book

Generating Buy-In

Mastering the Language of Leadership
Mark S. Walton
AMACOM, 2004
9 Book

Identifying and Managing Project Risk

Essential Tools for Failure-Proofing Your Project
Tom Kendrick
AMACOM, 2003
9 Book

When Goliaths Clash

Managing Executive Conflict to Build a More Dynamic Organization
Howard M. Guttman
AMACOM, 2003
9 Book
Performance Research Associates
AMACOM, 2003
9 Book


An AOL Insider Cracks the Code to Outrageous Success for Women
Mary Foley and Martha Finney
AMACOM, 2001
9 Book

Rewards That Drive High Performance

Success Stories From Leading Organizations
Thomas B. Wilson
AMACOM, 1999
9 Book


The Insider's Guide to Buying Your Own Company
Rick Rickertsen and Robert E. Gunther
AMACOM, 2001
9 Book

The Negotiation Toolkit

How to Get Exactly What You Want In Any Business or Personal Situation
Roger J. Volkema
AMACOM, 1999
9 Book

The Supply Chain Network @ Internet Speed

Preparing Your Company for the E-Commerce Revolution
Barbara A. Rosenbaum and Fred A. Kuglin
AMACOM, 2001
9 Book

The Lost Art of the Great Speech

How to Write One - How to Deliver It
Richard Dowis
AMACOM, 1999
9 Book
Michael J. Spendolini
AMACOM, 1992
9 Book

Strategic Outsourcing

A Structured Approach to Outsourcing Decisions and Initiatives
Maurice F. Greaver II
AMACOM, 1999
9 Book

The Time Trap

The Classic Book on Time Management
Alec MacKenzie
AMACOM, 1997
8 Book


How Smart Professionals Change Careers – and Seize Success
Dawn Graham
AMACOM, 2022
8 Book

Combo Prospecting

The Powerful One-Two Punch That Fills Your Pipeline and Wins Sales
Tony J. Hughes
AMACOM, 2018
8 Livre

Réussir avec les cadres supérieurs

Le bon soutien au bon moment pour votre projet
G. Michael Campbell PMP
AMACOM, 2017
8 Livre

Le numérique en point de mire

Comment transformer son entreprise par la technologie
Isaac Sacolick
AMACOM, 2017
8 Livre

L’ère de l’agile

Comment les entreprises bien avisées transforment l’exécution du travail
Stephen Denning
AMACOM, 2018
8 Book

Succeeding with Senior Management

Getting the Right Support at the Right Time for Your Project
G. Michael Campbell PMP
AMACOM, 2017
8 Book

Lead Right for Your Company’s Type

How to Connect Your Culture with Your Customer Promise
William E. Schneider
AMACOM, 2017