Bloomberg Businessweek Summaries and Reviews

See all summaries and reviews from Bloomberg Businessweek at a glance.

7 Article

A Chinese Casino Has Conquered a Piece of America

Construction workers maimed and killed. Millions paid to the governor’s family.
Matthew Campbell
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2018
9 Article

Anyone Seen Tether’s Billions?

A wild search for the U.S. dollars supposedly backing the stablecoin at the center of the global cryptocurrency trade – and in the crosshairs of U.S. regulators and prosecutors.
Zeke Faux
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2021
8 Article
Sonali Basak
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2018
7 Article

Big Tobacco Has Caught Startup Fever

It’s not smoking. It’s platform-agnostic nicotine delivery solutions.
Felix Gillette et al.
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2017
8 Article

Bloodsport on Wall Street

Hedge Funds Make Mayhem for Profit
Claire Boston and Davide Scigliuzzo
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2019
8 Article
Richard Dewey
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2019
7 Article

Confessions of an Instagram Influencer

I used to post cat photos. Then a marketing agency made me a star.
Max Chafkin
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2016
8 Article
Joe Weisenthal
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2018
8 Article
Susan Berfield
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2017
7 Article

Fury Road

Did Uber Steal the Driverless Future from Google?
Max Chafkin and Mark Bergen
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2017
7 Article

Google Makes So Much Money, It Never Had to Worry About Financial Discipline – Until Now

Alphabet’s CFO Ruth Porat wants to bring focus to Mountain View. Can the moonshot factory adapt?
Max Chafkin and Mark Bergen
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2016
8 Article

How Antibiotic-Tainted Seafood From China Ends Up on Your Table

You might want to pass on the shrimp cocktail.
Jason Gale et al.
Bloomberg Businessweek , 2016