ECB Summaries and Reviews

See all summaries and reviews from European Central Bank at a glance.

7 Report
Jonathan Brogaard et al.
ECB, 2013
7 Report
Günter Coenen et al.
ECB, 2017
8 Report

Cables, Sharks and Servers

Technology and the Geography of the Foreign Exchange Market
Barry Eichengreen et al.
ECB, 2016
8 Report
Dion Bongaerts
ECB, 2014
7 Report

Enterprise Productivity

A Three-Speed Europe
Andrea Dall’ Olio et al.
ECB, 2014
8 Report

Hidden Gems and Borrowers with Dirty Secrets

Investment in Soft Information, Borrower Self-Selection and Competition
Reint Gropp et al.
ECB, 2013
7 Report
European Central Bank
ECB, 2014
7 Report

Optimal Level of Government Debt

Matching Wealth Inequality and the Financial Sector
Edgar Vogel
ECB, 2014
8 Report

Global Corporate Bond Issuance

What Role for US Quantitative Easing?
Marco Lo Duca et al.
ECB, 2014
6 Report
Marco Lo Duca and Livio Stracca
ECB, 2014
7 Report
European Central Bank
ECB, 2014
7 Report

The Rise of China and India

Blessing or Curse for the Advanced Countries?
Livio Stracca
ECB, 2013
7 Report
Mariassunta Giannetti
ECB, 2013
8 Report
European Central Bank
ECB, 2013
7 Report
European Central Bank
ECB, 2013
7 Report

The Mutating Euro Area Crisis

Is the Balance Between “Sceptics” and “Advocates” Shifting?
Francesco Paolo Mongelli
ECB, 2013