The New Yorker Summaries and Reviews

See all summaries and reviews from The New Yorker at a glance.

10 Article

Can Carbon-Dioxide Removal Save the World?

CO2 could soon reach levels that, it’s widely agreed, will lead to catastrophe.
Elizabeth Kolbert
The New Yorker, 2017
7 Article
Cal Newport
The New Yorker, 2023
9 Article

ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web

OpenAl’s chatbot offers paraphrases, whereas Google offers quotes. Which do we prefer?
Ted Chiang
The New Yorker, 2023
9 Article

The Miseducation of Maria Montessori

Her method was meant for the public. Then it became a privilege.
Jessica Winter
The New Yorker, 2022
9 Article

Why Remote Work Is So Hard – And How It Can Be Fixed

The challenges aren’t just technological. They’re managerial.
Cal Newport
The New Yorker, 2020
8 Article

An Economics Lesson from Tolstoy

The Russian novelist believed that the dismal science was inescapably suffused with morality and politics.
Nick Romeo
The New Yorker, 2024
8 Article

When Shipping Containers Sink in the Drink

We’ve supersized our capacity to ship stuff across the seas. As our global supply chains grow, what can we gather from the junk that washes up on shore?
Kathryn Schulz
The New Yorker, 2022
9 Article

"Reverse Innovation” Could Save Lives. Why Aren't We Embracing It?

Cheap and simple medical devices could improve performance and lower health-care costs, but first they have to overcome deeply rooted biases.
Tom Vanderbilt
The New Yorker, 2019
8 Article

Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds

New discoveries about the human mind show the limitations of reason.
Elizabeth Kolbert
The New Yorker, 2017
9 Article

How Venture Capitalists Are Deforming Capitalism

Even the worst-run startup can beat competitors if investors prop it up.
Charles Duhigg
The New Yorker, 2020
9 Article

Starting Over

Many Katrina Victims Left New Orleans for Good. What Can We Learn from Them?
Malcolm Gladwell
The New Yorker, 2015
9 Article
Salman Rushdie
The New Yorker, 2022