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Roger Dawson
Secrets of Power Negotiating for Salespeople
Inside Secrets from a Master Negotiator
Career Press, 1999
What's inside?
Negotiating a sale is like winning a chess match, so learn these gambits if you want to say, “Checkmate.” (In sales, that means they write you a check.)
While the market is flooded with books on how to pitch, sell, wrangle and close a deal, this book rises well above most of them. Author Roger Dawson takes salespeople step by step through the economic and psychological aspects of successful negotiating. Expertly and conversationally written, and strategically structured, this book actually delivers what its title promises: plenty of secrets about power negotiating. View your job in sales as a chess game you can control because you know the rules, from the opening gambit to the power plays in the middle, to the all-important close. If you’ve read Dawson’s Secrets of Power Negotiating, you’ll find a good bit of repetition here, but even when he cites the same gambits, he discusses using them to make sales. You only need to read one of the two books, but getAbstract says make it this one if you’re in sales. Learn these gambits, so you can say, "Checkmate."
About the Author
Roger Dawson is one of the country’s top experts on negotiating. He founded the Power Negotiating Institute, which has trained executives, managers and salespeople throughout the U.S., Canada and Australia for 20 years. His Nightingale-Conant cassette program, Secrets of Power Negotiating , is the largest-selling business cassette program ever published.
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