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Michael Bungay Stanier
The Advice Trap
Be Humble, Stay Curious & Change the Way You Lead Forever
Page Two, 2020
What's inside?
Everyone loves to give advice. Unfortunately, most of it is useless.
Everyone hates to receive advice, but everyone loves to give it. Unfortunately, most advice is useless. To stop giving other people a piece of your mind, Michael Bungay Stanier – author of the best-selling The Coaching Habit – urges you to corral your “Advice Monster.” Stanier’s guidebook, which he describes as “a manual, a playbook, a studio, a dojo,” tells you how to make the transition from gratuitous meddler to helpful coach.
About the Author
Michael Bungay Stanier wrote the bestseller The Coaching Habit and founded Box of Crayons, a learning and development company that teaches “10-minute coaching.”
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