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Jeffrey Gitomer
The Sales Bible
The Ultimate Sales Resource
Wiley, 2003
What's inside?
Can you reduce the attitudes and practices of successful selling to a list of cheery hints, tips and axioms? Well, yes.
This comprehensive catalogue of sales tips, maxims and never-to-be-forgotten rules of thumb should be on every salesperson’s desk. The author’s advice on selling in a down economy is particularly useful. In fact, all that he has to say reduces to three or four core messages, repeated in a variety of modes and keys throughout the book. But these principles bear repeating, and it may be that one formulation will miss, while another will hit the mark. The author’s relentless optimism, boosterism and cheerleading will put some readers off, but those readers probably won’t be salespeople, who need all the encouragement they can get. getAbstract recommends this solid and useful book, and welcomes its up-beat attitude.
About the Author
Jeffrey Gitomer is a global authority on sales and customer service. Participants in his meetings and training program have included representatives of IBM, AT&T, Coca-Cola, Hilton Hotels, Inc. magazine, Siemens and Cintas. He writes the syndicated column, "Sales Moves," which appears in business journals in the U.S. and Europe.
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