Kogan Page Resúmenes

Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Kogan Page Publishers.

8 Book

Sustainable Marketing

The Industry’s Role in a Sustainable Future
Alexis Eyre
Kogan Page, 2023
8 Book

Agile L&D

A Toolkit to Improve Organizational Learning and Drive Performance
Natal Dank
Kogan Page, 2024
8 Book

ESG Mindset

Business Resilience and Sustainable Growth
Matthew Sekol
Kogan Page, 2024
9 Libro

La revolución del coaching digital

Cómo apoyar el desarrollo de los empleados con la tecnología del coaching
Anna Tavis y Woody Woodward
Kogan Page, 2024
8 Book

Excellence in People Analytics

How to Use Workforce Data to Create Business Value
Jonathan Ferrar and David Green
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Book

The Intelligence Revolution

Transforming Your Business with AI
Bernard Marr
Kogan Page, 2020
7 Libro

Sea analítico con los datos

Cómo utilizar la analítica para darle valor a los datos
Jordan Morrow
Kogan Page, 2023
8 Libro

Excelencia en la adquisición de talentos

El uso de las capacidades digitales y la analítica para mejorar la contratación
Kevin Wheeler y Bas van de Haterd
Kogan Page, 2024
9 Book

The Digital Coaching Revolution

How to Support Employee Development with Coaching Tech
Anna Tavis and Woody Woodward
Kogan Page, 2024
8 Libro

El asesor de aprendizaje de confianza

Las herramientas, técnicas y habilidades que necesita para hacer del A+D una prioridad empresarial
Keith Keating
Kogan Page, 2023
7 Book

Be Data Analytical

How to Use Analytics to Turn Data into Value
Jordan Morrow
Kogan Page, 2023
8 Book

Talent Acquisition Excellence

Using Digital Capabilities and Analytics to Improve Recruitment
Kevin Wheeler and Bas van de Haterd
Kogan Page, 2024
8 Book

Collaborative Learning

How to Upskill from Within and Turn L&D into Your Competitive Advantage
Nick Hernandez
Kogan Page, 2023
8 Book

The Trusted Learning Advisor

The Tools, Techniques and Skills You Need to Make L&D a Business Priority
Keith Keating
Kogan Page, 2023
8 Book

Neuroscience for Learning and Development

How to Apply Neuroscience and Psychology for Improved Learning and Training
Stella Collins
Kogan Page, 2019
8 Book

People and Data

Uniting to Transform Your Business
Thomas C. Redman
Kogan Page, 2023
9 Libro

Tecnología del aprendizaje

Una guía completa para profesionales del aprendizaje
Donald Clark
Kogan Page, 2023
7 Libro

Ecosistemas de aprendizaje

Creación de estrategias de aprendizaje innovadoras, ajustadas e impulsadas por la tecnología
Katja Schipperheijn
Kogan Page, 2022
8 Book

Marketing Metrics

Leverage Analytics and Data to Optimize Marketing Strategies
Christina Inge
Kogan Page, 2022
7 Book

Everyday Communication Strategies

Manage Common Issues to Prevent a Crisis and Protect Your Brand
Amanda Coleman
Kogan Page, 2022
8 Book

How People Learn

Designing Education and Training that Works to Improve Performance
Nick Shackleton-Jones
Great Britain and the United States, 2019
9 Libro

Inspirar opciones ecológicas en el consumidor

Aplique la neurociencia para remodelar el comportamiento del mercado
Michael E. Smith
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Book

The Success Factor

Developing the Mindset and Skillset for Peak Business Performance
Ruth Gotian
Kogan Page, 2022
8 Book

Leading the Customer Experience

How to Chart a Course and Deliver Outstanding Results
Brad Cleveland and Scott McKain
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Libro

Los humanos en el trabajo

El arte y la práctica de crear el lugar de trabajo híbrido
Anna Tavis y Stela Lupushor
Kogan Page, 2022
9 Book

Learning Technology

A Complete Guide for Learning Professionals
Donald Clark
Kogan Page, 2023
9 Book

From Start-Up to Grown-Up

Grow Your Leadership to Grow Your Business
Alisa Cohn
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Libro

Diseño de la experiencia de aprendizaje

Cómo crear un aprendizaje eficaz que funcione
Donald Clark
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Libro

Deténgase, pregunte, explore

Aprenda a navegar por el cambio en tiempos de incertidumbre
Joan P. Ball
Kogan Page, 2022
8 Libro

Los nueve tipos de líderes

Cómo los líderes de mañana pueden aprender de los líderes de hoy
James Ashton
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Libro

Ser honesto

Liderar con el poder de la verdad, la justicia y el propósito
Ron A. Carucci
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Book

Managing Luxury Brands

A Complete Guide to Contemporary Luxury Brand Strategies
Eleonora Cattaneo
Kogan Page, 2023
7 Book

Can We Talk?

Seven Principles for Managing Difficult Conversations at Work
Roberta Chinsky Matuson
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Book

Learning Ecosystems

Creating Innovative, Lean and Tech-driven Learning Strategies
Katja Schipperheijn
Kogan Page, 2022
8 Book

Communicate in a Crisis

Understand, Engage and Influence Consumer Behaviour to Maximize Brand Trust
Kate Hartley
Kogan Page, 2019
9 Book

Learning at Speed

How to Upskill and Reskill Your Workforce at Pace to Drive Business Performance
Nelson Sivalingam
Kogan Page, 2022
8 Book

International Brand Strategy

A Guide to Achieving Global Brand Growth
Sean Duffy
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Libro

La venta transformada

Desarrolle los valores de ventas que proporcionan una ventaja competitiva
Philip Squire
Kogan Page, 2020
8 Book

Humans at Work

The Art and Practice of Creating the Hybrid Workplace
Anna Tavis and Stela Lupushor
Kogan Page, 2022
8 Book

Successful Employee Communications

A Practitioner's Guide to Tools, Models and Best Practice for Internal Communication
Liam FitzPatrick and Sue Dewhurst
Kogan Page, 2022
9 Book

Inspiring Green Consumer Choices

Leverage Neuroscience to Reshape Marketplace Behavior
Michael E. Smith
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Libro

La sustentabilidad para el cambio social

Lleve a su empresa de la gestión de riesgos a la creación de valor social
Bradley Googins y Philipp Mirvis
Kogan Page, 2022
8 Book

Agile Marketing

Unlock Adaptive and Data-driven Marketing for Long-Term Success
Neil Perkin
Kogan Page, 2022
7 Book

Influencer Marketing Strategy

How to Create Successful Influencer Marketing
Gordon Glenister
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Book

Reality Check

How Immersive Technologies Can Transform Your Business
Jeremy Dalton
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Book

Customer Insight Strategies

How to Understand Your Audience and Create Remarkable Marketing
Christine Bailey
Kogan Page, 2020
8 Book

Crypto Wars

Faked Deaths, Missing Billions and Industry Disruption
Erica Stanford
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Book

Marketing Strategy

Overcome Common Pitfalls and Create Effective Marketing
Jenna Tiffany
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Libro

Neurodiversidad en el trabajo

Impulsar la innovación, el rendimiento y la productividad con una plantilla neurodiversa
Amanda Kirby y Theo Smith
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Book

Stop, Ask, Explore

Learn to Navigate Change in Times of Uncertainty
Joan P. Ball
Kogan Page, 2022
8 Book

Learning Experience Design

How to Create Effective Learning that Works
Donald Clark
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Book

Lunchtime Learning for Leaders

16 Ways to Grow Your Resilience and Influence
Lucy Ryan
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Libro

Los nuevos camaleones

Cómo conectar con los consumidores que desafían la categorización
Michael R. Solomon
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Libro

La verdad sea dicha

Cómo triunfan la mercadotecnia y la comunicación auténticas en la era del propósito
David Gallagher y John O'Brien
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Book

The Digital Marketing Handbook

Deliver Powerful Digital Campaigns
Simon Kingsnorth
Kogan Page, 2022
8 Book

The Nine Types of Leader

How the Leaders of Tomorrow Can Learn from the Leaders of Today
James Ashton
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Book

To Be Honest

Lead with the Power of Truth, Justice and Purpose
Ron A. Carucci
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Libro

El director financiero contemporáneo

Cómo los líderes financieros pueden impulsar la transformación, el rendimiento y el crecimiento de los negocios en un mundo conectado
Michael Haupt
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Book

Sustainability to Social Change

Lead Your Company from Managing Risks to Creating Social Value
Bradley Googins and Philipp Mirvis
Kogan Page, 2022
8 Book

Unprepared to Entrepreneur

A Method to the Madness of Starting Your Own Business
Sonya Barlow
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Book

Business Unusual

Values, Uncertainty and the Psychology of Brand Resilience
Nathalie Nahai
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Book

The New Chameleons

How to Connect with Consumers Who Defy Categorization
Michael R. Solomon
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Libro

El principio de simplicidad

Seis pasos hacia la claridad en un mundo complejo
Julia Hobsbawm
Kogan Page, 2020
7 Libro

El poder del cambio

Cómo aprovechar el cambio para que funcione para usted
Campbell Macpherson
Kogan Page, 2020
7 Book

Podcasting Marketing Strategy

A Complete Guide to Creating, Publishing and Monetizing a Successful Podcast
Daniel Rowles and Ciaran Rogers
Kogan Page, 2019
9 Book

Truth Be Told

How Authentic Marketing and Communications Wins in the Purposeful Age
David Gallagher and John O'Brien
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Libro

Influyentes y revolucionarios

Cómo los pioneros, las tendencias y los catalizadores innovadores están transformando los negocios
Sean Pillot de Chenecey
Kogan Page, 2020
8 Libro

Mercadotecnia destacada

Haga que su organización se destaque en un mar de homogeneidad
Stacey Danheiser et al.
Kogan Page, 2020
7 Libro

El ejecutivo de confianza

Nueve hábitos de liderazgo que inspiran resultados, relaciones y reputación
John Blakey
Kogan Page, 2020
9 Book

Neurodiversity at Work

Drive Innovation, Performance and Productivity with a Neurodiverse Workforce
Amanda Kirby and Theo Smith
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Libro

Mercadotecnia en video

Crear campañas de video atractivas para impulsar el crecimiento de la marca y las ventas
Jon Mowat
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Libro

El fin de la mercadotecnia

Humanice su marca en la era de los medios sociales
Carlos Gil
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Libro

Tecnología de relaciones públicas, datos e información

Active un retorno positivo de su inversión en comunicaciones
Mark Weiner
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Libro

Reiniciar la gestión

Prospere con agilidad en la era de la incertidumbre
Martin Králik y Stéphane J. Girod
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Book

The Contemporary CFO

How Finance Leaders Can Drive Business Transformation, Performance and Growth in a Connected World
Michael Haupt
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Libro

El miedo a su carrera

(Y cómo vencerlo)
Somi Arian
Kogan Page, 2020
8 Book

Brand Elevation

Lessons in Ueber-Branding
Wolfgang Schaefer and JP Kuehlwein
Kogan Page, 2020
7 Libro

El aprendizaje en el lugar de trabajo

Cómo construir una cultura de desarrollo continuo de los empleados
Nigel Paine
Kogan Page, 2019
7 Book

Customer Experience Excellence

Six Strategies to Deliver Exceptional Growth in 90 Days
David Conway and Tim Knight
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Book

Predictive HR Analytics

Mastering the HR Metric
Kirsten Edwards and Dr. Martin Edwards
Kogan Page, 2019
8 Book

Redefining HR

Transforming People Teams to Drive Business Performance
Lars Schmidt
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Book

The Next Rules of Work

The Mindset, Skillset and Toolset to Lead Your Organization through Uncertainty
Gary Bolles
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Book

The Success Trap

Why Good People Stay in Jobs They Don’t Like and How to Break Free
Amina Aitsi-Selmi
Kogan Page, 2020
8 Book

Remote Work

Redesign Processes, Practices and Strategies to Engage a Remote Workforce
Chris Dyer and Kim Shepherd
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Book

Rule Breaker

Rebellious Leadership for the Future of Work
Jackie Fast
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Book

PR Technology, Data and Insights

Igniting a Positive Return on Your Communications Investment
Mark Weiner
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Book

Resetting Management

Thrive with Agility in the Age of Uncertainty
Martin Králik and Stéphane J. Girod
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Book

Video Marketing

Create Engaging Video Campaigns to Drive Brand Growth and Sales
Jon Mowat
Kogan Page, 2021
8 Book

The Learning and Development Handbook

A Learning Practitioner’s Toolkit
Michelle Parry-Slater
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Book

The End of Marketing

Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media
Carlos Gil
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Book

The Power of Customer Experience

How to Use Customer-centricity to Drive Sales and Profitability
Martin Newman
Kogan Page, 2021
7 Book

The Trusted Executive

Nine Leadership Habits that Inspire Results, Relationships and Reputation
John Blakey
Kogan Page, 2020
8 Book

Stand Out Marketing

How to Differentiate Your Organization in a Sea of Sameness
Stacey Danheiser et al.
Kogan Page, 2020
8 Book
Anne Gregory
Kogan Page, 2020
8 Book

She Made It

The Toolkit for Female Founders in the Digital Age
Angelica Malin
Kogan Page, 2021
9 Book

Selling Transformed

Develop the Sales Values Which Deliver Competitive Advantage
Philip Squire
Kogan Page, 2020