Wiley Resúmenes

Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de Wiley.

10 Book

Use Your Difference to Make a Difference

How to Connect and Communicate in a Cross-Cultural World
Tayo Rockson
Wiley, 2019
10 Libro

Trabajar juntos en cualquier lugar

Un manual sobre trabajar a distancia y con éxito para individuos, equipos y gerentes
Lisette Sutherland y Kirsten Janene-Nelson
Wiley, 2020
10 Book

Business Model Generation

A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers, and Challengers
Alex Osterwalder and Yves Pigneur
Wiley, 2010
10 Book


The Seven Laws of Business that Made Chrysler the World's Hottest Car Company
Robert A. Lutz
Wiley, 1998
9 Book

Effective Vulnerability Management

Managing Risk in the Vulnerable Digital Ecosystem
Chris Hughes and Nikki Robinson
Wiley, 2024
9 Libro

La ventaja de la neurodiversidad

La guía esencial para adoptar el autismo, el TDAH, la dislexia y otras diferencias neurológicas para cualquier organización
Maureen Dunne
Wiley, 2024
9 Book

The Neurodiversity Edge

The Essential Guide to Embracing Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, and Other Neurological Differences for Any Organization
Maureen Dunne
Wiley, 2024
9 Libro


La guía McKinsey para superar la competencia en la era de la digitalización y la IA
Rodney Zemmel et al.
Wiley, 2023
9 Book

The Tao of Self-Confidence

A Guide to Moving Beyond Trauma and Awakening the Leader Within
Sheena Yap Chan
Wiley, 2023
9 Book

Culture Is the Way

How Leaders at Every Level Build an Organization for Speed, Impact, and Excellence
Matt Mayberry
Wiley, 2023
9 Book
Christian Müller-Roterberg
Wiley, 2020
9 Book

Selling in a Crisis

55 Ways to Stay Motivated and Increase Sales in Volatile Times (Jeb Blount)
Jeb Blount
Wiley, 2022
9 Libro

El líder digital

Encuentre un camino más rápido y rentable hacia un crecimiento excepcional
Ram Charan y Raj Vattikuti
Wiley, 2022
9 Libro

Cómo funciona el futuro

Liderar equipos flexibles para que hagan el mejor trabajo de sus vidas
Brian Elliott et al.
Wiley, 2022
9 Book


The McKinsey Guide to Outcompeting in the Age of Digital and AI
Rodney Zemmel et al.
Wiley, 2023
9 Book

Quick Confidence

Be Authentic, Boost Connections, and Make Bold Bets on Yourself
Selena Rezvani
Wiley, 2023
9 Book

Girls That Invest

Your Guide to Financial Independence through Shares and Stocks
Simran Kaur
Wiley, 2022
9 Book

Elite Sales Strategies

A Guide to Being One-Up, Creating Value, and Becoming Truly Consultative
Anthony Iannarino
Wiley, 2022
9 Book

The Digital Leader

Finding a Faster, More Profitable Path to Exceptional Growth
Ram Charan and Raj Vattikuti
Wiley, 2022
9 Book

Selling the Price Increase

The Ultimate B2B Field Guide for Raising Prices Without Losing Customers
Jeb Blount
Wiley, 2022
9 Book

How the Future Works

Leading Flexible Teams To Do The Best Work of Their Lives
Brian Elliott et al.
Wiley, 2022
9 Book


The Power of Awareness in Business and Life
Bob Rosen and Emma-Kate Swann
Wiley, 2018
9 Book

Leading with Character

10 Minutes a Day to a Brilliant Legacy
Jim Loehr and Caren Kenney
Wiley, 2020
9 Book

The Human Element

Overcoming the Resistance That Awaits New Ideas
Loran Nordgren and David Schonthal
Wiley, 2021
9 Book

Hidden Truths

What Leaders Need to Hear But Are Rarely Told
David Fubini
Wiley, 2020
9 Libro


Cómo las organizaciones logran resultados difíciles de imaginar en tiempos inciertos y volátiles
John P. Kotter et al.
Wiley, 2021
9 Libro

Gente común, liderazgo extraordinario

Cómo marcar la diferencia independientemente de su título, función o autoridad
James M. Kouzes y Barry Z. Posner
Wiley, 2021
9 Book


The 27 Trends Defining the Future of the Global Economy
Jeff Desjardins
Wiley, 2021
9 Book

Next Level Sales Coaching

How to Build a Sales Team That Stays, Sells, and Succeeds
Steve Johnson and Matthew Hawk
Wiley, 2020
9 Book


How Organizations Achieve Hard-to-Imagine Results in Uncertain and Volatile Times
John P. Kotter et al.
Wiley, 2021
9 Book

Everyday People, Extraordinary Leadership

How to Make a Difference Regardless of Your Title, Role, or Authority
James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner
Wiley, 2021
9 Book

The Exponential Era

Strategies to Stay Ahead of the Curve in an Era of Chaotic Changes and Disruptive Forces
David Espindola
Wiley, 2020
9 Book

The Invincible Company

Business Model Strategies From the World’s Best Products, Services, and Organizations
Alan Smith et al.
Wiley, 2020
9 Book

Leadership U

Accelerating Through the Crisis Curve
Gary Burnison
Wiley, 2020
9 Libro

La venta virtual

Una guía de inicio rápido para aprovechar el video, la tecnología y los canales de comunicación virtual para atraer a compradores remotos y cerrar acuerdos rápidamente
Jeb Blount
Wiley, 2020
9 Book

Be Less Zombie

How great companies create dynamic innovation, fearless leadership and passionate people
Elvin Turner
Wiley, 2020
9 Libro

Cómo descifrar el código del liderazgo

Tres secretos para desarrollar líderes fuertes
Alain Hunkins
Wiley, 2020
9 Book

Virtual Selling

A Quick-Start Guide to Leveraging Video, Technology, and Virtual Communication Channels to Engage Remote Buyers and Close Deals Fast
Jeb Blount
Wiley, 2020
9 Libro

El líder futuro

9 habilidades y mentalidades para tener éxito en la próxima década
Jacob Morgan
Wiley, 2020
9 Book

Cracking the Leadership Code

Three Secrets to Building Strong Leaders
Alain Hunkins
Wiley, 2020
9 Book

The Future Leader

9 Skills and Mindsets to Succeed in the Next Decade
Jacob Morgan
Wiley, 2020
9 Libro

Acciones estratégicas

Diez habilidades para un liderazgo ágil
Edward Morrison et al.
Wiley, 2019
9 Book

Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick

People, Probabilities, and Big Moves to Beat the Odds
Chris Bradley et al.
Wiley, 2018
9 Libro

El contrato de liderazgo

Una guía para ser un líder responsable
Vince Molinaro
Wiley, 2017
9 Book

Strategic Doing

Ten Skills for Agile Leadership
Edward Morrison et al.
Wiley, 2019
9 Book

The Leadership Contract

The Fine Print to Becoming an Accountable Leader (Third Edition)
Vince Molinaro
Wiley, 2017
9 Book

The Myth of Capitalism

Monopolies and the Death of Competition
Jonathan Tepper and Denise Hearn
Wiley, 2018
9 Book

Mastering Leadership

An Integrated Framework for Breakthrough Performance and Extraordinary Business Results
Robert J. Anderson and William A. Adams
Wiley, 2015