The Atlantic Summaries and Reviews

See all summaries and reviews from The Atlantic at a glance.

8 Article
Rachel Gutman
The Atlantic, 2021
8 Article
Derek Thompson
The Atlantic, 2018
8 Article

America Is Running Out of Everything

The global supply chain is slowing down at the at the very moment when Americans are demanding that it go into overdrive
Derek Thompson
The Atlantic, 2021
7 Video
Jackie Lay
The Atlantic, 2019
8 Article
Alana Semuels
The Atlantic, 2016
7 Video
Taylor Lorenz
The Atlantic, 2019
9 Article

Capitalism’s Addiction Problem

The biggest, best-known companies in the digital economy are getting their users hooked on their products — and undermining the pillars of America’s market economy.
Maya MacGuineas
The Atlantic, 2020
8 Article
James Fallows
The Atlantic, 2016
9 Article
Helen Lewis
The Atlantic, 2020
8 Video

Demystifying Drug Pricing

The Future of Prescription Drugs
Elizabeth Fowler et al.
The Atlantic, 2017
9 Article

End the Phone-Based Childhood Now

The environment in which kids grow up today is hostile to human development.
Jonathan Haidt
The Atlantic, 2024
8 Article
Joe Pinsker
The Atlantic, 2021
7 Article

Globalization Doesn’t Make As Much Sense As It Used To

Since its founding, America has swung from protectionism to free trade. What’s next?
Clyde Prestowitz
The Atlantic, 2016
8 Article
Jean M. Twenge
The Atlantic, 2017
8 Article
Jonathan Rauch
The Atlantic, 2016
8 Article
Deborah Fallows
The Atlantic, 2021
8 Article
Jerry Useem
The Atlantic, 2017
9 Article

How Science Beat the Virus

And what it lost in the process
Ed Yong
The Atlantic, 2020
8 Article

How Syria Came to This

A story of ethnic and sectarian conflict, international connivance, and above all civilian suffering
Andrew Tabler
The Atlantic, 2018
8 Article
Laura Bliss
The Atlantic, 2018
7 Article
Henry Kissinger
The Atlantic, 2018

How the Pandemic Defeated America

A virus has brought the world’s most powerful country to its knees.
Ed Yong
The Atlantic, 2020
8 Article

How to Fight Amazon (Before You Turn 29)

Lina Khan Has a Novel Theory About Monopolies – and Her Sights Are Set Squarely on the Company.
Robinson Meyer
The Atlantic, 2018
9 Article

How to Sleep

Should you drink more coffee? Should you take melatonin? Can you train yourself to need less sleep? A physician’s guide to sleep in a stressful age.
James Hamblin
The Atlantic, 2017
8 Video

Income Without Work

The Future of Work Summit
Scott Santens and Steve Clemons
The Atlantic, 2016
7 Article

Iran’s Real Enemy in Syria

At a time of economic hardship, Tehran has provided billions of dollars to help Assad crush Islamist rebels. The question is why.
Karim Sadjadpour
The Atlantic, 2018
10 Article

Lessons from 19 Years in the Metaverse

A conversation with one of the few people who have real historical perspective on digital communities
Charlie Warzel
The Atlantic, 2022
8 Article

Make Yourself Happy: Be Kind

How to break the negative feedback loop that can make us act mean
Arthur C. Brooks
The Atlantic, 2023
9 Article
Olga Khazan
The Atlantic, 2021
8 Article
Ian Bogost
The Atlantic, 2020
9 Article

Stop Trying to Raise Successful Kids

And start raising kind ones.
Adam Grant and Allison Sweet Grant
The Atlantic, 2019
8 Article

The 3 Things That Make Organizations More Prone to Sexual Harassment

Nothing’s foolproof, but there are research-proven changes companies could make.
Marianne Cooper
The Atlantic, 2017
9 Article
Matthew Stewart
The Atlantic, 2018
9 Article

The Billion-Dollar Disinformation Campaign to Reelect the President

How new technologies and techniques pioneered by dictators will shape the 2020 election
McKay Coppins
The Atlantic, 2020
8 Article

The Binge Breaker

Tristan Harris believes Silicon Valley is addicting us to our phones. He's determined to make it stop.
Bianca Bosker
The Atlantic, 2016