CEPS Summaries and Reviews

See all summaries and reviews from Centre for European Policy Studies at a glance.

9 Report
Andrea Renda and Rosa. J Castro
CEPS, 2020
9 Report
Paolo Natali
CEPS, 2014
8 Article
Agnes Sipiczki
CEPS, 2022
8 Report

Systemic Rivalry and Balancing Interests

Chinese Investment Meets EU Law on the Belt and Road
Steven Blockmans and Weinian Hu
CEPS, 2019
8 Report
Jeanne Metivier et al.
CEPS, 2017
8 Article
Daniel Gros
CEPS, 2017
8 Article
Michael Emerson et al.
CEPS, 2017
8 Report

Flexibility versus Stability

A Difficult Trade-Off in the Eurozone
Paul De Grauwe and Yuemei Ji
CEPS, 2016
8 Report
Daniel Gros
CEPS, 2016
8 Report

The Final Brexit Question

The Known Plan A to Remain or the Unknown Plan B to Leave
Michael Emerson
CEPS, 2016
8 Book
Anton Brender et al.
CEPS, 2015
8 Report
Paul De Grauwe and Yuemei Ji
CEPS, 2014
8 Report
Daniel Gros et al.
CEPS, 2014
8 Report

The Global Economy in 2030

Trends and Strategies for Europe
Daniel Gros and Cinzia Alcidi
CEPS, 2014
8 Report

Falling Short of Expectations?

Stress-Testing the European Banking System
Viral V. Acharya and Sascha Steffen
CEPS, 2014
7 Report

A Transatlantic Divide?

Transitory inflation in Europe but persistent in the US
Daniel Gros and Farzaneh Shamsfakhr
CEPS, 2021
7 Report
Karel Lannoo and Apostolos Thomadakis
CEPS, 2020
7 Report
Loredana Carpentieri et al.
CEPS, 2019
7 Report

Just a Little Brexit?

‘Alternative (Customs) Arrangements’ and the Withdrawal Agreement
Jacques Pelkmans
CEPS, 2019
7 Report

Rebranding Capital Markets Union

A Market Finance Action Plan
Karel Lannoo and Apostolos Thomadakis
CEPS, 2019
7 Book

The American Economy

A European View
Anton Brender and Florence Pisani
CEPS, 2018
7 Report

Convergence in the European Union

Inside and Outside the Euro
Daniel Gros
CEPS, 2018
7 Article
Thomas Straubhaar
CEPS, 2017
7 Report
Ansgar Belke et al.
CEPS, 2016
7 Article
Karel Lannoo
CEPS, 2016
7 Report

The EBA EU-Wide Stress Test 2016

Deciphering the Black Box
Willem Pieter De Groen
CEPS, 2016
7 Report

State Transformation and the European Integration Project

Lessons from the Financial Crisis and the Greek Paradigm
Evangelos Venizelos
CEPS, 2016
7 Report
Jacques Pelkmans
CEPS, 2016
7 Report

China’s Slowdown

When the Dragon Catches the Flu, Europe Sneezes
Mikkel Barslund and Cinzia Alcidi
CEPS, 2015
7 Report

The Circular Economy

Barriers and Opportunities for SMEs
Vasileios Rizos et al.
CEPS, 2015
7 Report

The EMS Crisis of the 1990s

Parallels with the Present Crisis?
Daniel Gros
CEPS, 2014
7 Report

The Contents and Timing of a European Banking Union

Reflections on the differing views
H. Onno Ruding
CEPS, 2012
6 Report

Economic Policy Coordination in the Economic and Monetary Union

From Maastricht via the SGP to the Fiscal Pact
Jørgen Mortensen
CEPS, 2013