The New Yorker Summaries and Reviews

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9 Article

"Reverse Innovation” Could Save Lives. Why Aren't We Embracing It?

Cheap and simple medical devices could improve performance and lower health-care costs, but first they have to overcome deeply rooted biases.
Tom Vanderbilt
The New Yorker, 2019
8 Article

After the Islamic State

As the caliphate crumbles, rival movements struggle for the soul of Sunni jihadism.
Robin Wright
The New Yorker, 2016
8 Article

An Economics Lesson from Tolstoy

The Russian novelist believed that the dismal science was inescapably suffused with morality and politics.
Nick Romeo
The New Yorker, 2024
9 Article

Are Robots Competing for Your Job?

Probably, but don’t count yourself out.
Jill Lepore
The New Yorker, 2019
8 Article

Are Things Getting Better or Worse?

Why assessing the state of the world is harder than it sounds.
Joshua Rothman
The New Yorker, 2018
7 Article

Burnout: Modern Affliction or Human Condition?

As a diagnosis, it’s too vague to be helpful – but its rise tells us a lot about the way we work.
Jill Lepore
The New Yorker, 2021
10 Article

Can Carbon-Dioxide Removal Save the World?

CO2 could soon reach levels that, it’s widely agreed, will lead to catastrophe.
Elizabeth Kolbert
The New Yorker, 2017
10 Article

Can Gettr Become the Online Gathering Place for Trump’s G.O.P.?

With Big Tech cracking down on COVID-19 and election misinformation, sites with more permissive posting rules are courting prominent figures on the right.
Clare Malone
The New Yorker, 2022
8 Article

Can We Have Prosperity Without Growth?

The critique of economic growth, once a fringe position, is gaining widespread attention in the face of the climate crisis.
John Cassidy
The New Yorker, 2020
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ChatGPT Is a Blurry JPEG of the Web

OpenAl’s chatbot offers paraphrases, whereas Google offers quotes. Which do we prefer?
Ted Chiang
The New Yorker, 2023
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China’s Selfie Obsession

Meitu’s apps are changing what it means to be beautiful in the most populous country on Earth.
Jiayang Fan
The New Yorker, 2017
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Has the Pandemic Transformed the Office Forever?

Companies are figuring out how to balance what appears to be a lasting shift toward remote work with the value of the physical workplace.
John Seabrook
The New Yorker, 2021
8 Article

High-Tech Hope for the Hard of Hearing

Scientists searching for ways to restore hearing have been making a number of promising discoveries.
David Owen
The New Yorker, 2017
Isaac Chotiner
The New Yorker, 2020
9 Article

How Venture Capitalists Are Deforming Capitalism

Even the worst-run startup can beat competitors if investors prop it up.
Charles Duhigg
The New Yorker, 2020
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Nicolas Niarchos
The New Yorker, 2018
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Is It Time for a New Economics Curriculum?

“The Economy,” a new textbook, is designed for the post-neoliberal age.
Nick Romeo
The New Yorker, 2021
8 Article

Is the Gig Economy Working?

Many liberals have embraced the sharing economy. But can they survive it?
Nathan Heller
The New Yorker, 2017
7 Article
Cal Newport
The New Yorker, 2023
8 Article
Om Malik
The New Yorker, 2016
9 Article
Salman Rushdie
The New Yorker, 2022
7 Article

Sam Altman’s Manifest Destiny

Is the head of Y Combinator fixing the world, or trying to take over Silicon Valley?
Tad Friend
The New Yorker, 2016
8 Article

Shut Up and Sit Down

Why the Leadership Industry Rules
Joshua Rothman
The New Yorker, 2021
9 Article

Starting Over

Many Katrina Victims Left New Orleans for Good. What Can We Learn from Them?
Malcolm Gladwell
The New Yorker, 2015
7 Article

The Case Against Democracy

If most voters are uninformed, who should make decisions about the public’s welfare?
Caleb Crain
The New Yorker, 2016
8 Article

The Cost Conundrum

What a Texas town can teach us about health care.
Atul Gawande
The New Yorker, 2009
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The Disruption Machine

What the gospel of innovation gets wrong.
Jill Lepore
The New Yorker, 2014
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Patrick Radden Keefe
The New Yorker, 2017
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The Great Siberian Thaw

Permafrost contains microbes, mammoths, and twice as much carbon as Earth’s atmosphere. What happens when it starts to melt?
Joshua Yaffa
The New Yorker, 2022
9 Article

The Invention – and Reinvention – of Impeachment

It’s the ultimate political weapon. But we’ve never agreed on what it’s for.
Jill Lepore
The New Yorker, 2019
9 Article

The Miseducation of Maria Montessori

Her method was meant for the public. Then it became a privilege.
Jessica Winter
The New Yorker, 2022
9 Article

The Really Big One

An earthquake will destroy a sizable portion of the coastal Northwest. The question is when.
Kathryn Schulz
The New Yorker, 2015
9 Article

The Terrifying Choices Created by Wildfires

Many Californians are confronting a series of confounding decision – among them, whether they should fight or flee.
Ingfei Chen
The New Yorker, 2022
8 Article

The Trip Treatment

Research into psychedelics, shut down for decades, is now yielding exciting results.
Michael Pollan
The New Yorker, 2015
8 Article

The World Is Running Out of Sand

It’s one of our most widely used natural resources, but it’s scarcer than you think.
David Owen
The New Yorker, 2017
9 Article

What It's Like to Fight a Megafire

Wildfires have grown more extreme. So have the risks of combatting them
M.R. O'Connor
The New Yorker, 2021