AMACOM Resúmenes

Eche un vistazo a todos los resúmenes de AMACOM.

8 Libro


Cómo los profesionales inteligentes cambian de carrera y alcanzan el éxito
Dawn Graham
AMACOM, 2022
8 Book


How Smart Professionals Change Careers – and Seize Success
Dawn Graham
AMACOM, 2022
7 Libro

Honestidad absoluta

Construya una cultura empresarial que valore la franqueza y recompense la integridad
Larry Johnson y Bob Phillips
AMACOM, 2003
8 Book

Combo Prospecting

The Powerful One-Two Punch That Fills Your Pipeline and Wins Sales
Tony J. Hughes
AMACOM, 2018
7 Libro

Los hábitos del líder

Domine las habilidades que necesita para liderar en solo unos minutos al día
Martin Lanik
AMACOM, 2018
8 Libro

Lidere adecuadamente para su tipo de empresa

Cómo conectar su cultura con su promesa al cliente
William E. Schneider
AMACOM, 2017
8 Libro

La era de lo ágil

Cómo empresas inteligentes están cambiando la forma en que se hace el trabajo
Stephen Denning
AMACOM, 2018
8 Book

Succeeding with Senior Management

Getting the Right Support at the Right Time for Your Project
G. Michael Campbell PMP
AMACOM, 2017
8 Book

Lead Right for Your Company’s Type

How to Connect Your Culture with Your Customer Promise
William E. Schneider
AMACOM, 2017
7 Book

The Leader Habit

Master the Skills You Need to Lead in Just Minutes a Day
Martin Lanik
AMACOM, 2018
7 Book

Shift Ahead

How the Best Companies Stay Relevant in a Fast-Changing World
Allen Adamson and Joel Steckel
AMACOM, 2017
8 Book

The Age of Agile

How Smart Companies Are Transforming the Way Work Gets Done
Stephen Denning
AMACOM, 2018
7 Libro
Mark Hunter
AMACOM, 2016
8 Book


Profiting from the Profound Demographic Shifts Ahead
Kenneth W. Gronbach and M. J. Moye
AMACOM, 2017
8 Libro

Pregunte más

El poder de las preguntas para abrir puertas, encontrar soluciones y detonar el cambio
Frank Sesno
AMACOM, 2017
9 Book

Extreme Teams

Why Pixar, Netflix, Airbnb, and Other Cutting-Edge Companies Succeed Where Most Fail
Robert Bruce Shaw
AMACOM, 2017
8 Book

Driving Digital

The Leader’s Guide to Business Transformation Through Technology
Isaac Sacolick
AMACOM, 2017
8 Libro

Los siete principios del Camino de Santiago

Lecciones de liderazgo en una caminata por España
Victor Prince
AMACOM, 2017
7 Libro

El código de la inspiración

Cómo los mejores líderes energizan a la gente todos los días
Kristi Hedges
AMACOM, 2017
8 Book

Ask More

The Power of Questions to Open Doors, Uncover Solutions, and Spark Change
Frank Sesno
AMACOM, 2017
7 Book

Fearless and Free

How Smart Women Pivot – and Relaunch Their Careers
Wendy Sachs
AMACOM, 2017
7 Book

High-Profit Prospecting

Powerful Strategies to Find the Best Leads and Drive Breakthrough Sales Results
Mark Hunter
AMACOM, 2016
8 Book

The Camino Way

Lessons in Leadership from a Walk Across Spain
Victor Prince
AMACOM, 2017
8 Libro

La revolución en la cadena de suministro

Aprovisionamiento y logística innovadores para un mundo salvajemente competitivo
Suman Sarkar
AMACOM, 2017
7 Book

The Inspiration Code

How the Best Leaders Energize People Every Day
Kristi Hedges
AMACOM, 2017
8 Libro

Convertirse en Facebook

Los diez retos que definieron a la compañía que está revolucionando al mundo
Mike Hoefflinger
AMACOM, 2017
9 Libro
Geoffrey Colon
AMACOM, 2016
9 Libro

Trabajos que hay que hacer

Una guía básica para la innovación centrada en el cliente
Stephen Wunker et al.
AMACOM, 2016
8 Book

The Supply Chain Revolution

Innovative Sourcing and Logistics for a Fiercely Competitive World
Suman Sarkar
AMACOM, 2017
9 Book

Disruptive Marketing

What Growth Hackers, Data Punks, and Other Hybrid Thinkers Can Teach Us About Navigating the New Normal
Geoffrey Colon
AMACOM, 2016
8 Book

Becoming Facebook

The 10 Challenges That Defined the Company That’s Disrupting the World
Mike Hoefflinger
AMACOM, 2017
9 Book

Jobs to Be Done

A Roadmap for Customer-Centered Innovation
Stephen Wunker et al.
AMACOM, 2016
8 Book

Sell with a Story

How to Capture Attention, Build Trust, and Close the Sale
Paul Smith
AMACOM, 2017
7 Book

Get Scrappy

Smarter Digital Marketing for Businesses Big and Small
Nick Westergaard
AMACOM, 2016
8 Book

The Gig Economy

The Complete Guide to Getting Better Work, Taking More Time Off, and Financing the Life You Want
Diane Mulcahy
AMACOM, 2016
7 Book

People Styles at Work ... And Beyond

Making Bad Relationships Good and Good Relationships Better
Robert Bolton and Dorothy Grover Bolton
AMACOM, 2009
7 Libro
Tom Kendrick
AMACOM, 2016
8 Libro

Las 10 leyes de la confianza

Cómo forjar los lazos que vuelven excelente a un negocio
Joel Peterson
AMACOM, 2016
8 Book

The Optimistic Workplace

Creating an Environment That Energizes Everyone
Shawn Murphy
AMACOM, 2015
7 Book
Brian Tracy
AMACOM, 2016
7 Book

How to Manage Complex Programs

High-Impact Techniques for Handling Project Workflow, Deliverables, and Teams
Tom Kendrick
AMACOM, 2016
9 Libro

Sin sudor

Cómo la ciencia simple de motivación puede traer una vida de Fitness
Michelle Segar
AMACOM, 2015
7 Book

The Confidence Effect

Every Woman's Guide to the Attitude That Attracts Success
Grace Killelea
AMACOM, 2016
8 Book

Green Giants

How Smart Companies Turn Sustainability into Billion-Dollar Businesses
E. Freya Williams
AMACOM, 2015
6 Libro
Anthony Mersino
AMACOM, 2013
8 Book

The Healthy Workplace

How to Improve the Well-Being of Your Employees – and Boost Your Company's Bottom Line
Leigh Stringer
AMACOM, 2016
8 Book

What to Do When You’re New

How to Be Comfortable, Confident, and Successful in New Situations
Keith Rollag
AMACOM, 2015
7 Book

Winning Well

A Manager's Guide to Getting Results – Without Losing Your Soul
Karin Hurt and David Dye
AMACOM, 2016
8 Book

Driven by Difference

How Great Companies Fuel Innovation Through Diversity
David Livermore
AMACOM, 2016
7 Book

When the Pressure's On

The Secret to Winning When You Can't Afford to Lose
Louis S. Csoka
AMACOM, 2016
8 Book

The 10 Laws of Trust

Building the Bonds That Make a Business Great
Joel Peterson
AMACOM, 2016
7 Book

Beyond the Sales Process

12 Proven Strategies for a Customer-Driven World
Steve Andersen and Dave Stein
AMACOM, 2016
9 Book

No Sweat

How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a Lifetime of Fitness
Michelle Segar
AMACOM, 2015
8 Book

Talking to Crazy

How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life
Mark Goulston
AMACOM, 2015
8 Book

Sales Management. Simplified.

The Straight Truth About Getting Exceptional Results from Your Sales Team
Mike Weinberg
AMACOM, 2015
8 Libro

Relaciones duraderas

Cultive una perdurable lealtad del cliente para que su negocio siga floreciendo
Noah Fleming
AMACOM, 2015
7 Libro
Scott Mautz
AMACOM, 2015
7 Libro
Jackie Barretta
AMACOM, 2014
7 Book

Primal Teams

Harnessing the Power of Emotions to Fuel Extraordinary Performance
Jackie Barretta
AMACOM, 2014
7 Libro

La ecuación de la persuasión

La sutil ciencia de conseguir lo que quiere
Mark Rodgers
AMACOM, 2015
8 Libro
Piyanka Jain y Puneet Sharma
AMACOM, 2014
7 Book

Make It Matter

How Managers Can Motivate by Creating Meaning
Scott Mautz
AMACOM, 2015
8 Book


Cultivate the Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving
Noah Fleming
AMACOM, 2015
7 Libro

Aprender para tener éxito

Reconsiderar la educación corporativa en un mundo de cambio implacable
Jason Wingard
AMACOM, 2015
7 Libro


El arte de liderar mirando hacia el futuro
Rob-Jan de Jong
AMACOM, 2015
8 Libro

Sea el héroe de su cliente

Consejos del mundo real y técnicas para las líneas de atención y servicio al público
Adam Toporek
AMACOM, 2015
7 Libro

Más fuerte

Desarrolle la resiliencia que necesita para tener éxito
George S. Everly Jr. et al.
AMACOM, 2015
8 Book

The Truth Doesn’t Have to Hurt

How to Use Criticism to Strengthen Relationships, Improve Performance, and Promote Change
Deb Bright
AMACOM, 2014
6 Book

Confronting Capitalism

Real Solutions for a Troubled Economic System
Philip Kotler
AMACOM, 2015
7 Book


Develop the Resilience You Need to Succeed
George S. Everly Jr. et al.
AMACOM, 2015
8 Book

Learning to Succeed

Rethinking Corporate Education in a World of Unrelenting Change
Jason Wingard
AMACOM, 2015
7 Book


The Art of Leading by Looking Ahead
Rob-Jan de Jong
AMACOM, 2015
7 Book

Persuasion Equation

The Subtle Science of Getting Your Way
Mark Rodgers
AMACOM, 2015
8 Book

Behind Every Good Decision

How Anyone Can Use Business Analytics to Turn Data into Profitable Insight
Piyanka Jain and Puneet Sharma
AMACOM, 2014
8 Book

Be Your Customer’s Hero

Real-World Tips & Techniques for the Service Front Lines
Adam Toporek
AMACOM, 2015
7 Libro

Menos estrés. Mayores logros.

Maneras sencillas de transformar la presión en una fuerza positiva para su vida
Aimee Bernstein
AMACOM, 2015
8 Book

Business Strategy

The Brian Tracy Success Library
Brian Tracy
AMACOM, 2015
8 Libro

El líder oculto

Descubra y desarrolle la grandeza dentro de su compañía
Scott K. Edinger y Laurie Sain
AMACOM, 2015
7 Libro

Un mundo que ahora es social

Cómo las compañías deben adaptarse para sobrevivir
Ted Coiné y Mark Babbitt
AMACOM, 2014
7 Book

Stress Less. Achieve More.

Simple Ways to Turn Pressure into a Positive Force in Your Life
Aimee Bernstein
AMACOM, 2015
8 Book

Fail Fast or Win Big

The Start-Up Plan for Starting Now
Bernhard Schroeder
AMACOM, 2015
8 Book

The Hidden Leader

Discover and Develop Greatness Within Your Company
Scott K. Edinger and Laurie Sain
AMACOM, 2015
8 Libro

La gestión exitosa del proceso de negocios

Lo que necesita saber para obtener resultados
Paula K. Berman
AMACOM, 2014
8 Libro
Mark Donnolo
AMACOM, 2014
7 Book

A World Gone Social

How Companies Must Adapt to Survive
Ted Coiné and Mark Babbitt
AMACOM, 2014
8 Book

The Innovative Sale

Unleash Your Creativity for Better Customer Solutions and Extraordinary Results
Mark Donnolo
AMACOM, 2014
9 Libro

Liderar con humildad

Doce lecciones de liderazgo del papa Francisco
Jeffrey A. Krames
AMACOM, 2014
7 Libro

Yo sí escucho

Cómo reparar fallas de comunicación, negociar satisfactoriamente y construir consensos… en tres sencillos pasos
Donny Ebenstein
AMACOM, 2014
7 Libro


Explique lo complicado de modo que cualquiera pueda entenderlo
Frank J. Pietrucha
AMACOM, 2014
8 Libro

No son los datos, es cómo se usan

Mercadotecnia más inteligente con análisis y tableros
Koen Pauwels
AMACOM, 2014
7 Libro
Paul Gustavson y Stewart Liff
AMACOM, 2014
8 Book

Successful Business Process Management

What You Need to Know to Get Results
Paula K. Berman
AMACOM, 2014
9 Book

Lead with Humility

12 Leadership Lessons from Pope Francis
Jeffrey A. Krames
AMACOM, 2014
7 Book

I Hear You

Repair Communication Breakdowns, Negotiate Successfully, and Build Three Simple Steps
Donny Ebenstein
AMACOM, 2014