McGraw-Hill Resúmenes

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7 Book

Can Your Customer Service Do This?

Create an Anticipatory Customer Experience that Builds Loyalty Forever
Micah Solomon
McGraw-Hill, 2023
7 Libro

¿Puede hacer esto su servicio de atención al cliente?

Cree una experiencia de cliente anticipatoria que fidelice para siempre
Micah Solomon
McGraw-Hill, 2023
8 Book

The Retention Revolution

7 Surprising (and Very Human!) Ways to Keep Employees Connected to Your Company
Erica Keswin
McGraw-Hill, 2023
8 Libro

La revolución de la retención

Siete formas sorprendentes (¡y muy humanas!) de mantener a los empleados conectados con su empresa
Erica Keswin
McGraw-Hill, 2023
9 Book

Lift Your Impact

Transform Your Mindset, Influence, and Future to Elevate Your Work, Team, and Life
Richard Newman
McGraw-Hill, 2023
7 Book

Walk Away to Win

A Playbook to Combat Workplace Bullying
Megan Carle
McGraw-Hill, 2023
7 Libro

Aléjese para ganar

Un manual para combatir el ‘bullying’ en el lugar de trabajo
Megan Carle
McGraw-Hill, 2023
8 Book

Never Say Whatever

How Small Decisions Make a Big Difference
Richard A. Moran
McGraw-Hill, 2023
8 Book

Decision Sprint

The New Way to Innovate into the Unknown and Move from Strategy to Action
Atif Rafiq
McGraw-Hill, 2023
8 Libro

Nunca diga “da igual”

Cómo las pequeñas decisiones marcan una gran diferencia
Richard A. Moran
McGraw-Hill, 2023
8 Libro

Decision Sprint

La nueva forma de innovar en lo desconocido y pasar de la estrategia a la acción
Atif Rafiq
McGraw-Hill, 2023
7 Book

The Bold Ones

Innovate and Disrupt to Become Truly Indispensable
Shawn Kanungo
McGraw-Hill, 2022
8 Book

One Bold Move a Day

Meaningful Actions Women Can Take to Fulfill Their Leadership and Career Potential
Shanna Hocking
McGraw-Hill, 2022
7 Book

Sell Yourself

How to Create, Live, and Sell a Powerful Personal Brand
Cindy McGovern
McGraw-Hill, 2022
7 Libro


Cómo crear, vivir y vender una marca personal poderosa
Cindy McGovern
McGraw-Hill, 2022
9 Book

Don’t Call It Quits

Turn the Job You Have into the Job You Love
Shana Lebowitz Gaynor
McGraw-Hill, 2022
9 Book

Show Your Worth

8 Intentional Strategies for Women to Emerge as Leaders at Work
Shelmina Abji
McGraw-Hill, 2022
9 Libro

Muestre cuánto vale

Ocho estrategias deliberadas para que las mujeres surjan como líderes en el trabajo
Shelmina Abji
McGraw-Hill, 2022
7 Book

Make Your Kids Millionaires

The Step-by-Step Guide to Lead Children to Financial Freedom
Loral Langemeier and Kyle Boeckman
McGraw-Hill, 2022
8 Book


Design Your Company Culture to Connect with Strategy and Purpose for Lasting Success
Melissa Daimler
McGraw-Hill, 2022
8 Libro


Diseñe la cultura de su empresa de forma que se conecte con la estrategia y el propósito para lograr un éxito duradero
Melissa Daimler
McGraw-Hill, 2022
7 Book

In Control at 50+

How to Succeed in the New World of Work
Kerry Hannon
McGraw-Hill, 2022
9 Book


How Leaders Can Move Teams From Isolated to All In
Steven Van Cohen and Ryan Jenkins
McGraw-Hill, 2022
8 Book

Change Proof

Leveraging the Power of Uncertainty to Build Long-term Resilience
Adam Markel
McGraw-Hill, 2022
8 Libro

A prueba de cambios

Cómo aprovechar el poder de la incertidumbre para construir resiliencia a largo plazo
Adam Markel
McGraw-Hill, 2022
7 Book

Stop. Think. Invest.

A Behavioral Finance Framework for Optimizing Investment Portfolios
Michael Bailey
McGraw-Hill, 2022
8 Book

The Automation Advantage

Embrace the Future of Productivity and Improve Speed, Quality, and Customer Experience Through AI
Bhaskar Ghosh et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Book

No Explanation Required!

A Woman’s Guide to Assert Your Confidence and Communicate to Win at Work
Carol Sankar
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Libro

¡No se necesitan explicaciones!

Guía de la mujer para afirmar su confianza y comunicarse para tener éxito en el trabajo
Carol Sankar
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Book

From Impressed to Obsessed

12 Principles for Turning Customers and Employees into Lifelong Fans
Jon Picoult
McGraw-Hill, 2021
9 Book

Rogue Waves

Future-Proof Your Business to Survive and Profit from Radical Change
Jonathan Brill
McGraw-Hill, 2021
7 Book

The Science of Dream Teams

How Talent Optimization Can Drive Engagement, Productivity, and Happiness
Mike Zani
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Libro

La empresa intelectual y la física

Cómo las organizaciones líderes combinan lo mejor de lo digital y lo físico
Robert Siegel
McGraw-Hill, 2021
9 Book

Work Better Together

How to Cultivate Strong Relationships to Maximize Well-Being and Boost Bottom Lines
Jen Fisher and Anh Phillips
McGraw-Hill, 2021
7 Libro

Trabajar mejor juntos

Cómo cultivar relaciones sólidas para maximizar el bienestar e impulsar las ganancias
Jen Fisher y Anh Phillips
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Book

Content Inc.

Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience, and Become Radically Successful (With Little to No Money)
Joe Pulizzi
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Book

Winning the Loser's Game

Timeless Strategies for Successful Investing, Eighth Edition
Charles D. Ellis
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Book

Madoff Talks

Uncovering the Untold Story Behind the Most Notorious Ponzi Scheme in History
Jim Campbell
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Book

Transforming Project Management

An Essential Paradigm for Turning Your Strategic Planning into Action
Duane Petersen
McGraw-Hill, 2021
9 Book

The Burnout Fix

Overcome Overwhelm, Beat Busy, and Sustain Success in the New World of Work
Jacinta M. Jiménez
McGraw-Hill, 2021
9 Libro

La solución al agotamiento

Supere el agobio, venza a las ocupaciones y mantenga el éxito en el nuevo mundo del trabajo
Jacinta M. Jiménez
McGraw-Hill, 2021
8 Book

Stronger Through Adversity

World-Class Leaders Share Pandemic-Tested Lessons on Thriving During the Toughest Challenges
Joseph A. Michelli
McGraw-Hill, 2020
9 Libro

Más fuerte a través de la adversidad

Líderes de clase mundial comparten lecciones a prueba de pandemias para prosperar durante los desafíos más difíciles
Joseph A. Michelli
McGraw-Hill, 2020
7 Book

Solving for Project Risk Management

Understanding the Critical Role of Uncertainty in Project Management
Christian Smart
McGraw-Hill, 2020
7 Book

Making Work Human

How Human-Centered Companies are Changing the Future of Work and the World
Eric Mosley and Derek Irvine
McGraw-Hill, 2020
8 Book

Ruthless Consistency

How Committed Leaders Execute Strategy, Implement Change, and Build Organizations That Win
Michael Canic
McGraw-Hill, 2020
7 Libro

Hacer que el trabajo sea humano

Cómo las empresas centradas en el ser humano están cambiando el futuro del trabajo y del mundo
Eric Mosley y Derek Irvine
McGraw-Hill, 2020
8 Libro

Coherencia implacable

Cómo los líderes comprometidos ejecutan la estrategia, implementan el cambio y construyen organizaciones ganadoras
Michael Canic
McGraw-Hill, 2020
9 Book

The Upskilling Imperative

5 Ways to Make Learning Core to the Way We Work
Shelley Osborne
McGraw-Hill, 2020
7 Book

The Creator Mindset

92 Tools to Unlock the Secrets to Innovation, Growth, and Sustainability
Nir Bashan
McGraw-Hill, 2020
7 Libro

La mentalidad de creador

92 herramientas para desvelar los secretos de la innovación, el crecimiento y la sostenibilidad
Nir Bashan
McGraw-Hill, 2020
9 Book

Lessons from the Titans

What Companies in the New Economy Can Learn from the Great Industrial Giants to Drive Sustainable Success
Scott M. Davis et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2020
9 Book

The Forever Transaction

How to Build a Subscription Model So Compelling, Your Customers Will Never Want to Leave
Robbie Kellman Baxter
McGraw-Hill, 2020
9 Libro

La transacción para siempre

Cómo construir un modelo de suscripciones tan convincente que sus clientes nunca querrán irse
Robbie Kellman Baxter
McGraw-Hill, 2020
9 Book

The Expansion Sale

Four Must-Win Conversations to Keep and Grow Your Customers
Timothy Riesterer and Erik Peterson
McGraw-Hill, 2020
8 Book

Welcome to Management

How to Grow from Top Performer to Excellent Leader
Ryan Hawk
McGraw-Hill, 2020
8 Libro

Bienvenido a la gerencia

Cómo pasar de ser el mejor ejecutante a un excelente líder
Ryan Hawk
McGraw-Hill, 2020
9 Book

The Big Stretch

90 Days to Expand Your Dreams, Crush Your Goals, and Create Your Own Success
Teneshia Jackson Warner
McGraw-Hill, 2019
9 Book

The New Extraordinary Leader, 3rd Edition

Turning Good Managers into Great Leaders
John H. Zenger and Joseph R. Folkman
McGraw-Hill, 2019

Get Ahead in Your New Job

How to Make an Impact in the First 100 Days
John Lees
McGraw-Hill, 2019
8 Book

Flat, Fluid, and Fast

Harness the Talent Mobility Revolution to Drive Employee Engagement, Accelerate Innovation, and Unleash Growth
Brynne Kennedy
McGraw-Hill, 2019
7 Book

The Airbnb Way

5 Leadership Lessons for Igniting Growth through Loyalty, Community, and Belonging
Joseph A. Michelli
McGraw-Hill, 2019
7 Libro

El camino de Airbnb

Cinco lecciones de liderazgo para impulsar el crecimiento a través de la lealtad, la comunidad y la pertenencia
Joseph A. Michelli
McGraw-Hill, 2019
8 Book

Every Job Is a Sales Job

How to Use the Art of Selling to Win at Work
Cindy McGovern
McGraw-Hill, 2019
9 Libro

Cada trabajo es un trabajo de ventas

Cómo usar el arte de la venta para ganar en el trabajo
Cindy McGovern
McGraw-Hill, 2019
8 Book


The Untapped Force That Can Be Your Most Powerful Advantage
Roger Dooley
McGraw-Hill, 2019
8 Book

Success Is in Your Sphere

Leverage the Power of Relationships to Achieve Your Business Goals
Zvi Band
McGraw-Hill, 2019
8 Book


How to Create a Movement that Drives Transformational Change
Greg Satell
McGraw-Hill, 2019
8 Libro


Cómo crear un movimiento que impulse el cambio transformador
Greg Satell
McGraw-Hill, 2019
7 Book

Investment Banking Explained

An Insider's Guide to the Industry
Michel Fleuriet
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Book

Get It Together

Ditch the Chaos, Do the Work and Design Your Success
Lauren Berger
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Book


Let Go of Past Success to Achieve Extraordinary Results
Barry O'Reilly
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Libro


Despréndase de éxitos pasados para lograr resultados extraordinarios
Barry O'Reilly
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Libro

Póngase las pilas

Abandone el caos, haga el trabajo y diseñe su éxito
Lauren Berger
McGraw-Hill, 2018
7 Book

Work Inspired

How to Build an Organization Where Everyone Loves to Work
Aron Ain
McGraw-Hill, 2018
9 Book

Data Driven

Harnessing Data and AI to Reinvent Customer Engagement
Tom Chavez et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2018
9 Book

What Are Your Blind Spots?

Conquering the 5 Misconceptions that Hold Leaders Back
Jim Haudan and Rich Berens
McGraw-Hill, 2018
9 Book

Transforming Nokia

The Power of Paranoid Optimism to Lead Through Colossal Change
Risto Siilasmaa
McGraw-Hill, 2018
7 Book

Bring Your Human to Work

10 Surefire Ways to Design a Workplace That's Good for People, Great for Business, and Just Might Change the World
Erica Keswin
McGraw-Hill, 2018
9 Libro

¿Cuáles son sus puntos ciegos?

Cómo vencer los 5 conceptos erróneos que detienen a los líderes
Jim Haudan y Rich Berens
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Book

Too Smart for Our Own Good

Ingenious Investment Strategies, Illusions of Safety, and Market Crashes
Bruce I. Jacobs
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Book

The Execution Factor

The One Skill that Drives Success
Kim Perell
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Libro

El factor de ejecución

La única habilidad que impulsa el éxito
Kim Perell
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Book

Getting Back to Business

Why Modern Portfolio Theory Fails Investors and How You Can Bring Common Sense to Your Portfolio
Daniel Peris
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Book

Value-Added Selling, Fourth Edition

How to Sell More Profitably, Confidently, and Professionally by Competing on Value―Not Price
Tom Reilly and Paul Reilly
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Libro

La venta con valor añadido, cuarta edición

Cómo vender más rentable, seguro y profesionalmente compitiendo en valor y no en precio
Tom Reilly y Paul Reilly
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Book

Adaptive Space

How GM and Other Companies Are Positively Disrupting Themselves and Transforming into Agile Organizations
Michael J. Arena
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Libro

Espacio adaptativo

Cómo GM y otras compañías se están alterando positivamente y transformando en organizaciones ágiles
Michael J. Arena
McGraw-Hill, 2018
7 Book

The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure

Why Pure Capitalism Is the World Economy’s Only Hope
John A. Allison
McGraw-Hill, 2018
7 Book

The Entrepreneurial Attitude

Lessons from Junior Achievement’s 100 Years of Developing Young Entrepreneurs
Larry Farrell
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Book

Powered by Storytelling

Excavate, Craft, and Present Stories to Transform Business Communication
Murray Nossel
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Libro

El poder de las historias

Descúbralas, diséñelas y preséntelas para transformar la comunicación de negocios
Murray Nossel
McGraw-Hill, 2018
7 Libro

La actitud empresarial

Lecciones de los 100 años de desarrollo de jóvenes empresarios de Junior Achievement
Larry Farrell
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Book

Legacy in the Making

Building a Long-Term Brand to Stand Out in a Short-Term World
Mark Miller and Lucas Conley
McGraw-Hill, 2018
8 Book

The Toyota Kata Practice Guide

Practicing Scientific Thinking Skills for Superior Results in 20 Minutes a Day
Mike Rother
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Libro

La guía de práctica de Toyota Kata

Práctica de la habilidad de pensamiento científico para obtener resultados superiores en 20 minutos al día
Mike Rother
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Book


The Innovative Investor’s Guide to Bitcoin and Beyond
Chris Burniske and Jack Tatar
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Libro


La innovadora guía del inversor para bitcoin y más allá
Chris Burniske y Jack Tatar
McGraw-Hill, 2017
7 Book

Top of Mind

Use Content to Unleash Your Influence and Engage Those Who Matter to You
John Hall
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Book

Mapping Innovation

A Playbook for Navigating a Disruptive Age
Greg Satell
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Book

Toyota Kata Culture

Building Organizational Capability and Mindset Through Kata Coaching
Mike Rother and Gerd Aulinger
McGraw-Hill, 2017
7 Libro

La primera opción

Usar el contenido para influir y captar a la gente que a usted le importa
John Hall
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Book

Victory Through Organization

Why the War for Talent Is Failing Your Company and What You Can Do About It
Dave Ulrich et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Book

The Bully-Proof Workplace

Essential Strategies, Tips, and Scripts for Dealing with the Office Sociopath
Peter J. Dean and Molly D. Shepard
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Libro

El lugar de trabajo libre de bullies

Estrategias básicas, consejos y guiones para tratar con los sociópatas de la oficina
Peter J. Dean y Molly D. Shepard
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Book

What’s Your Presentation Persona?

Discover Your Unique Communication Style and Succeed in Any Arena
Scott Schwertly and Sunday Mancini
McGraw-Hill, 2017
8 Book

The Future Workplace Experience

10 Rules For Mastering Disruption in Recruiting and Engaging Employees
Jeanne C. Meister and Kevin J. Mulcahy
McGraw-Hill, 2016
8 Book

Predictable Prospecting

How to Radically Increase Your B2B Sales Pipeline
Marylou Tyler and Jeremey Donovan
McGraw-Hill, 2016
8 Libro

Prospección predecible

Cómo aumentar radicalmente su canal de ventas B2B
Marylou Tyler y Jeremey Donovan
McGraw-Hill, 2016
7 Book

Winning the Brain Game

Fixing the 7 Fatal Flaws of Thinking
Matthew E. May
McGraw-Hill, 2016
8 Libro

Ganar el juego del cerebro

Cómo solucionar las siete fallas fatales del pensamiento
Matthew E. May
McGraw-Hill, 2016
7 Book

One Perfect Pitch

How to Sell Your Idea, Your Product, Your Business – or Yourself
Marie Perruchet
McGraw-Hill, 2016
7 Libro

Una presentación perfecta

Cómo vender su idea, su producto, su empresa… o a usted mismo
Marie Perruchet
McGraw-Hill, 2016
8 Book

All the Leader You Can Be

The Science of Achieving Extraordinary Executive Presence
Suzanne Bates
McGraw-Hill, 2016
8 Book

The McKinsey Edge

Success Principles from the World’s Most Powerful Consulting Firm
Shu Hattori
McGraw-Hill, 2016
8 Libro

Sea el mejor líder que pueda

La ciencia para lograr una presencia ejecutiva extraordinaria
Suzanne Bates
McGraw-Hill, 2016
8 Book

Contagious Culture

Show Up, Set the Tone, and Intentionally Create an Organization That Thrives
Anese Cavanaugh
McGraw-Hill, 2015
8 Libro

Cultura contagiosa

Preséntese, establezca el tono y cree de manera intencional una organización que prospere
Anese Cavanaugh
McGraw-Hill, 2015
8 Book


Eight Lessons to Secure Infinite Growth
Michael J. Silverstein et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2015
8 Book

Think to Win

Unleashing the Power of Strategic Thinking
Paul Butler et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2015
8 Libro

Pensar para ganar

Dar rienda suelta al poder del pensamiento estratégico
Paul Butler et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2015
8 Book


The 12 New Rules for Managing Your Employees as If They’re Real People
Rodd Wagner
McGraw-Hill, 2015
8 Book

The Membership Economy

Find Your Superusers, Master the Forever Transaction, and Build Recurring Revenue
Robbie Kellman Baxter
McGraw-Hill, 2015
7 Book

Customer Focused Process Innovation

Linking Strategic Intent to Everyday Execution
David Hamme
McGraw-Hill, 2015
7 Libro

La innovación de procesos enfocada en el cliente

Vincular las intenciones estratégicas con la ejecución cotidiana
David Hamme
McGraw-Hill, 2015
8 Book

Think Big, Start Small, Move Fast

A Blueprint for Transformation from the Mayo Clinic Center for Innovation
Nicholas LaRusso et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2014
8 Book

A Winner’s Guide to Negotiating

How Conversation Gets Deals Done
Molly Fletcher
McGraw-Hill, 2014
7 Book


How the Destruction of the Dollar Threatens the Global Economy – and What We Can Do About It
Steve Forbes and Elizabeth Ames
McGraw-Hill, 2014
7 Libro


Cómo la destrucción del dólar amenaza a la economía global y qué podemos hacer al respecto
Steve Forbes y Elizabeth Ames
McGraw-Hill, 2014
8 Book

Clash of the Financial Pundits

How the Media Influences Your Investment Decisions for Better or Worse
Joshua M. Brown and Jeff Macke
McGraw-Hill, 2014
7 Book

Legendary Service

The Key Is to Care
Ken Blanchard et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2014
7 Book

Innovation the NASA Way

Harnessing the Power of Your Organization for Breakthrough Success
Rod Pyle
McGraw-Hill, 2014
7 Book

Stocks for the Long Run

The Definitive Guide to Financial Market Returns and Long-Term Investment Strategies
Jeremy J. Siegel
McGraw-Hill, 2014
8 Book

Everything Connects

How to Transform and Lead in the Age of Creativity, Innovation, and Sustainability
Faisal Hoque and Drake Baer
McGraw-Hill, 2014
8 Libro

Todo se conecta

Cómo transformar y liderar en la era de la creatividad, la innovación y la sostenibilidad
Faisal Hoque y Drake Baer
McGraw-Hill, 2014
8 Book

The Customer Culture Imperative

A Leader’s Guide to Driving Superior Performance
Linden Brown and Christopher Brown
McGraw-Hill, 2014
8 Libro

El imperativo de la cultura centrada en el cliente

Una guía para impulsar el mejor desempeño
Linden Brown y Christopher Brown
McGraw-Hill, 2014
7 Book

Fearless Performance Reviews

Coaching Conversations that Turn Every Employee into a Star Player
Jeffrey Russell and Linda Russell
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Libro
Jeffrey Russell y Linda Russell
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Book

How to Deliver a TED Talk

Secrets of the World’s Most Inspiring Presentations
Jeremey Donovan
McGraw-Hill, 2013
8 Book

Leading the Starbucks Way

5 Principles for Connecting with Your Customers, Your Products, and Your People
Joseph A. Michelli
McGraw-Hill, 2013
8 Libro

Liderar al modo Starbucks

Cinco principios para conectarse con sus clientes, sus productos y su gente
Joseph A. Michelli
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Book

Epic Content Marketing

How to Tell a Different Story, Break Through the Clutter, and Win More Customers by Marketing Less
Joe Pulizzi
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Libro
Joe Pulizzi
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Book


Taking Your Work and Life from Ordinary to Extraordinary
Rana Florida
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Libro


Transforme su vida y su trabajo de ordinarios a extraordinarios
Rana Florida
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Book

Profit from the Positive

Proven Leadership Strategies to Boost Productivity and Transform Your Business
Margaret Greenberg and Senia Maymin
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Libro

Saque provecho de lo positivo

Estrategias comprobadas de liderazgo para aumentar la productividad y transformar su negocio
Margaret Greenberg y Senia Maymin
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Book

The Essentials of Business Etiquette

How to Greet, Eat, and Tweet Your Way to Success
Barbara Pachter and Denise Cowie
McGraw-Hill, 2013
9 Book

Crucial Accountability

Tools for Resolving Violated Expectations, Broken Commitments, and Bad Behavior
Kerry Patterson et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Book

Born to Blog

Building Your Blog for Personal and Business Success One Post at a Time
Mark W. Schaefer and Stanford A. Smith
McGraw-Hill, 2013
8 Book

What Every Angel Investor Wants You to Know

An Insider Reveals How to Get Smart Funding for Your Billion-Dollar Idea
Brian S. Cohen and John Kador
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Book

Think Like a Rock Star

How to Create Social Media and Marketing Strategies That Turn Customers into Fans
Mack Collier
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Book

12 Disciplines of Leadership Excellence

How Leaders Achieve Sustainable High Performance
Brian Tracy and Peter Chee
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Book

Disney U

How Disney University Develops the World’s Most Engaged, Loyal, and Customer-Centric Employees
Doug Lipp
McGraw-Hill, 2013
8 Book

The Gamification Revolution

How Leaders Leverage Game Mechanics to Crush the Competition
Gabe Zichermann and Joselin Linder
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Libro

La Universidad Disney

Cómo capacita a los empleados más comprometidos, leales y centrados en los clientes
Doug Lipp
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Libro

Las 12 disciplinas para la excelencia en el liderazgo

Cómo logran los líderes un alto rendimiento sostenible
Brian Tracy y Peter Chee
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Libro

Nacidos para el blog

Construir su blog para el éxito personal y de negocios, una entrada a la vez
Mark W. Schaefer y Stanford A. Smith
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Libro

Piense como una estrella de rock

Cómo desarrollar estrategias para las redes sociales y de mercadotecnia que transformen a los clientes en admiradores
Mack Collier
McGraw-Hill, 2013
8 Book

Red Thread Thinking

Weaving Together Connections for Brilliant Ideas and Profitable Innovation
Debra Kaye and Karen Kelly
McGraw-Hill, 2013
8 Libro

El hilo de Ariadna

Teja bien sus pensamientos para obtener ideas brillantes y crear innovaciones que le den rentabilidad
Debra Kaye y Karen Kelly
McGraw-Hill, 2013
8 Book

Leadership Sustainability

Seven Disciplines to Achieve the Changes Great Leaders Know They Must Make
Dave Ulrich and Norm Smallwood
McGraw-Hill, 2013
8 Libro

La sostenibilidad del liderazgo

Siete principios para lograr los cambios que los grandes líderes saben que deben realizar
Dave Ulrich y Norm Smallwood
McGraw-Hill, 2013
8 Book
Chad "Corntassel" Smith
McGraw-Hill, 2013
6 Book

Smart Prospecting That Works Every Time!

Win More Clients with Fewer Cold Calls
Michael D. Krause
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Book

Likeable Business

Why Today’s Consumers Demand More and How Leaders Can Deliver
Dave Kerpen
McGraw-Hill, 2013
8 Book

The Laws of Subtraction

6 Simple Rules for Winning in the Age of Excess Everything
Matthew E. May
McGraw-Hill, 2013
7 Libro

Negocios agradables

Por qué los consumidores actuales exigen más y cómo pueden cumplir los líderes
Dave Kerpen
McGraw-Hill, 2013
8 Libro

Las leyes de la sustracción

Seis reglas sencillas para ganar en la era de los excesos
Matthew E. May
McGraw-Hill, 2013
6 Book

Get Your SHIFT Together

How to Think, Laugh, and Enjoy Your Way to Success in Business and in Life
Steve Rizzo
McGraw-Hill, 2012
6 Libro

Organice su cambio

Aprenda a pensar, reír y disfrutar su camino al éxito en los negocios y en la vida
Steve Rizzo
McGraw-Hill, 2012
6 Book

Joe Girard’s 13 Essential Rules of Selling

How to Be a Top Achiever and Lead a Great Life
Joe Girard and Tony Gibbs
McGraw-Hill, 2012
6 Libro
Joe Girard y Tony Gibbs
McGraw-Hill, 2012
8 Book

The Lean Turnaround

How Business Leaders Use Lean Principles to Create Value and Transform Their Company
Art Byrne
McGraw-Hill, 2012
8 Book

How to Be Exceptional

Drive Leadership Success By Magnifying Your Strengths
John H. Zenger et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2012
8 Libro

Cómo ser excepcional

Impulse el éxito del liderazgo, multiplicando sus fortalezas
John H. Zenger et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2012
8 Book

HR from the Outside In

Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources
Dave Ulrich et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2012
8 Book

Measuring Leadership Development

Quantify Your Program’s Impact and ROI on Organizational Performance
Jack Phillips et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2012
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Winning with Transglobal Leadership

How to Find and Develop Top Global Talent to Build World-Class Organizations
Linda D. Sharkey et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2012
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Jack Phillips et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2012
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Conversation Transformation

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Ben E. Benjamin et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2012
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Think Like Zuck

The Five Business Secrets of Facebook’s Improbably Brilliant CEO Mark Zuckerberg
Ekaterina Walter
McGraw-Hill, 2012
7 Book


How to Build a Brand – and Change the World – By Sparking Cultural Movements
Scott Goodson
McGraw-Hill, 2012
6 Libro

Piense como Zuck

Los cinco secretos de negocios del sorpresivamente brillante director ejecutivo de Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg
Ekaterina Walter
McGraw-Hill, 2012
7 Book

Brand Turnaround

How Brands Gone Bad Returned to Glory...and the 7 Game Changers That Made the Difference
Karen Post
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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La recuperación de una marca

Cómo volvieron a la gloria las marcas caídas… y las 7 estrategias de cambio que significaron la diferencia
Karen Post
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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Operations Due Diligence

An M&A Guide for Investors and Business
James F. Grebey
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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La diligencia debida de operaciones

Una guía de fusiones y adquisiciones para inversionistas y compañías
James F. Grebey
McGraw-Hill, 2011
8 Book

Cracking the Sales Management Code

The Secrets to Measuring and Managing Sales Performance
Jason Jordan and Michelle Vazzana
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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Descifrar el código de la gestión de ventas

Los secretos para la medición y gestión del desempeño en ventas
Jason Jordan y Michelle Vazzana
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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The Power of LEO

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Subir Chowdhury
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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The Zigzag Principle

The Goal-Setting Strategy That will Revolutionize Your Business and Your Life
Rich Christiansen
McGraw-Hill, 2011
7 Libro

El principio zigzag

La estrategia para establecer objetivos que revolucionará su negocio y su vida
Rich Christiansen
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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¡Lo que logró hasta aquí no lo llevará al siguiente nivel en ventas!

Cómo los vendedores más exitosos han logrado ascender y triunfar
Marshall Goldsmith et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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What Got You Here Won’t Get You There in Sales

How Successful Salespeople Take It to the Next Level
Marshall Goldsmith et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2011
5 Book

Ownership Thinking

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Brad Hams
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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Likeable Social Media

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Dave Kerpen
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Me gusta

Conseguir el éxito en las redes sociales
Dave Kerpen
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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The Ten Trillion Dollar Gamble

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Russ Koesterich
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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Conversations That Win the Complex Sale

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Erik Peterson and Timothy Riesterer
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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Managers, Can You Hear Me Now?

Hard-Hitting Lessons on How to Get Real Results
Denny Strigl and Frank Swiatek
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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Técnicas de conversación para ganar las ventas difíciles

Use un mensaje convincente para generar más oportunidades, diferenciar sus soluciones y cerrar más tratos
Erik Peterson y Timothy Riesterer
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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The Optimization Edge

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Stephen Sashihara
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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Mobile Marketing

Fundamentals and Strategy
Kaan Varnalı et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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Pitch Anything

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Oren Klaff
McGraw-Hill, 2011
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Scott Klososky
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Managing Your Manager

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Gonzague Dufour
McGraw-Hill, 2010
7 Libro
Scott Klososky
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Cómo tratar con sus superiores

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Gonzague Dufour
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Hard Goals

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Mark Murphy
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Objetivos difíciles

El secreto para ir de donde está a donde quiere estar
Mark Murphy
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Coach Yourself to Win

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Howard M. Guttman
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Entrénese usted mismo para ganar

7 pasos para desempeñarse espectacularmente en el trabajo y en la vida
Howard M. Guttman
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Being Happy

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Tal Ben-Shahar
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Ser feliz

No hay que ser perfecto para llevar una vida más rica y feliz
Tal Ben-Shahar
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Get Big Results by Thinking and Acting Small
Greg Verdino
McGraw-Hill, 2010
7 Book
Aaron Goldman
McGraw-Hill, 2010
7 Libro
Aaron Goldman
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Obtenga grandes resultados al pensar y actuar en pequeño
Greg Verdino
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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The Mobile Learning Edge

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Gary Woodill
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Las ventajas del aprendizaje móvil

Herramientas y tecnologías para desarrollar sus equipos de trabajo
Gary Woodill
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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The Four Pillars of Investing

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William J. Bernstein
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Successful Onboarding

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Lilith Christiansen and Mark A. Stein
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Incorporación exitosa

Estrategias para descubrir el valor oculto dentro de la organización
Mark A. Stein y Lilith Christiansen
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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The Why of Work

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Dave Ulrich and Wendy Ulrich
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Management Strategies for the Cloud Revolution

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Charles Babcock
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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El porqué del trabajo

Cómo crean los grandes líderes abundantes organizaciones que ganan
David Ulrich y Wendy Ulrich
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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The Extraordinary Coach

How the Best Leaders Help Others Grow
John H. Zenger and Kathleen Stinnett
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Estrategias de administración para la revolución en nube

Cómo la computación en nube está transformando los negocios y por qué uno no puede darse el lujo de quedarse atrás
Charles Babcock
McGraw-Hill, 2010
7 Libro

El "coach" extraordinario

Los mejores líderes ayudan a los demás a desarrollarse
John H. Zenger y Kathleen Stinnett
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Turn Clicks Into Customers

Proven Marketing Techniques for Converting Online Traffic into Revenue
Duane Forrester
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Convierta clics en clientes

Técnicas probadas de mercadotecnia para que el tráfico en línea se convierta en ingresos
Duane Forrester
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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How Risky Is It, Really?

Why Our Fears Don't Always Match the Facts
David Ropeik
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Realmente, ¿qué tan arriesgado es?

Por qué nuestros miedos no siempre corresponden a los hechos
David Ropeik
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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Accelerating Out of the Great Recession

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David Rhodes and Daniel Stelter
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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The New Economic Force Transforming Global Markets and Investment Strategy
Arun Motianey
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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How America's Best Places to Work Inspire Extra Effort in Extraordinary Times
Leigh Branham and Mark Hirschfeld
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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La nueva fuerza económica que está transformando los mercados globales y las estrategias de inversión
Arun Motianey
McGraw-Hill, 2010
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The Right Decision

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James Stein
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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Innovate the Pixar Way

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Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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Innovación al estilo de Pixar

Lecciones de negocios del patio de recreo corporativo más creativo del mundo
Bill Capodagli y Lynn Jackson
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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Hundred Percenters

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Mark Murphy
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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Waging War on Complexity Costs

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Stephen A. Wilson and Andrei Perumal
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Marketing in an Era of Competition, Change, and Crisis
Jack Trout and Steve Rivkin
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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Never Fly Solo

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Rob "Waldo" Waldman
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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Executive Presence

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Harrison Monarth
McGraw-Hill, 2009
6 Libro


La mercadotecnia en una era de competitividad, cambio y crisis
Jack Trout y Steve Rivkin
McGraw-Hill, 2009
7 Libro

Presencia ejecutiva

El arte de imponer respeto como si fuera director ejecutivo
Harrison Monarth
McGraw-Hill, 2009
7 Libro

Nunca vuele en solitario

Dirija con valentía, cree sociedades confiables y llegue lejos en los negocios
Rob "Waldo" Waldman
McGraw-Hill, 2009
8 Libro
Stephen A. Wilson y Andrei Perumal
McGraw-Hill, 2009
8 Book


How GenY Entrepreneurs Are Rocking the World of Business and 8 Ways You Can Profit from Their Success
Donna Fenn
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs

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Carmine Gallo
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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Carmine Gallo
McGraw-Hill, 2009
7 Book

Just Ask Leadership

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Gary B. Cohen
McGraw-Hill, 2009
7 Book

Selling to the C-Suite

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Nicholas A.C. Read and Stephen J. Bistritz
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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Cómo vender a los ejecutivos sénior

Lo que todo ejecutivo quiere que usted sepa para vender con éxito a la alta gerencia
Nicholas A.C. Read y Stephen J. Bistritz
McGraw-Hill, 2009
9 Book

Toyota Kata

Managing People for Improvement, Adaptiveness, and Superior Results
Mike Rother
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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Lonnie Wilson
McGraw-Hill, 2009
8 Libro
Lonnie Wilson
McGraw-Hill, 2009
7 Book

HR Transformation

Building Human Resources From the Outside In
Dave Ulrich et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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How to Instantly Connect with Anyone

96 All-New Little Tricks for Big Success in Relationships
Leil Lowndes
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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Cómo ganar dinero con YouTube

Gane dinero en efectivo, promociónese, llegue a sus clientes y haga crecer su negocio en el sitio Web más popular del mundo para compartir videos
Brad Schepp y Debra Schepp
McGraw-Hill, 2009
7 Book

Jeff Immelt and the New GE Way

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David Magee
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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Investing in Gold

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Jonathan Spall
McGraw-Hill, 2009
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La inversión en oro

El refugio esencial de toda cartera de inversiones
Jonathan Spall
McGraw-Hill, 2009
6 Book

The McKinsey Engagement

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Paul Friga
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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The World's Most Influential Investor
Robert Slater
McGraw-Hill, 2008
8 Book
Ram Charan
McGraw-Hill, 2008
9 Book

The Innovator's Prescription

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Clayton M. Christensen et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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El inversionista más influyente del mundo
Robert Slater
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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Liderazgo en una era de incertidumbre económica

Administrar en tiempos de crisis
Ram Charan
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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Everything I Know About Business I Learned at McDonald's

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Paul Facella and Adina Genn
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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Grown Up Digital

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Don Tapscott
McGraw-Hill, 2008
9 Libro

Criados en la era digital

Cómo la generación Net está cambiando al mundo
Don Tapscott
McGraw-Hill, 2008
8 Libro

Todo lo que sé de negocios lo aprendí en McDonald’s

Los 7 principios de liderazgo que conducen al éxito sin precedentes
Paul Facella y Adina Genn
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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Perfect Power

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Robert Galvin and Kurt Yeager
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The Customer Rules

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C. Britt Beemer and Robert L. Shook
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Say It Like Obama

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Shel Leanne
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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El cliente es el que manda

Las 14 cualidades indispensables, irrefutables e indisputables de las mejores compañías de servicio en el mundo
C. Britt Beemer y Robert L. Shook
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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The Art of Engagement

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Jim Haudan
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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Disrupting Class

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Clayton M. Christensen et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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The New Gold Standard

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Joseph Michelli
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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When Markets Collide

Investment Strategies for the Age of Global Economic Change
Mohamed El-Erian
McGraw-Hill, 2008
8 Libro

Interrupción en el aula

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Clayton M. Christensen et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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El nuevo estándar de oro

5 principios de liderazgo para crear una experiencia legendaria para los clientes cortesía de la compañía hotelera Ritz-Carlton
Joseph Michelli
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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Management Lessons from Mayo Clinic

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Leonard L. Berry and Kent D. Seltman
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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The New Age of Innovation

Driving Co-created Value Through Global Networks
C. K. Prahalad and M. S. Krishnan
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La nueva era de la innovación

Cómo impulsar el valor co-creado a través de las redes globales
C. K. Prahalad y M. S. Krishnan
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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Hyman P. Minsky
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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Trendspotting for the Next Decade
Richard Laermer
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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Personality not included

Why Companies Lose Their Authenticity – And How Great Brands Get it Back
Rohit Bhargava
McGraw-Hill, 2008
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Jacked Up

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Bill Lane
McGraw-Hill, 2007
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Crisis Leadership Now

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Laurence Barton
McGraw-Hill, 2007
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Dubai & Co.

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Aamir A. Rehman
McGraw-Hill, 2007
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The Power to Change Anything
Kerry Patterson et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2007
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Think Better

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Tim Hurson
McGraw-Hill, 2007
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El poder de cambiar todo
Kerry Patterson et al.
McGraw-Hill, 2007
7 Libro

Piense mejor

Guía del innovador para el pensamiento productivo
Tim Hurson
McGraw-Hill, 2007
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Power and Influence

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Robert L. Dilenschneider
McGraw-Hill, 2007
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The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet

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Evelyn Tribole
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Mobilizing Minds

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Lowell L. Bryan and Claudia L. Joyce
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Evelyn Tribole
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Jeffrey K. Liker and David P. Meier
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The Manager's Book of Decencies

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McGraw-Hill, 2007
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Way of the Turtle

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Jeffrey N. Katz
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The Psychology of Sales Success

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Gerhard Gschwandtner
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The Definitive Drucker

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John Wooden and Steve Jamison
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The Ghosn Factor

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Drucker insuperable

Los desafíos de los futuros ejecutivos – Últimos consejos del padre de la gestión moderna
Elizabeth Haas Edersheim
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Peter Engardio (Ed.)
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The Project Manager's Desk Reference

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China Now

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The Disney Way

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Bill Capodagli and Lynn Jackson
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Stephen Young
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Rowland Hayler and Michael D. Nichols
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The Starbucks Experience

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Bangalore Tiger

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Tigre de Bangalore

Wipro, la prometedora empresa tecnológica de la India, escribe de nuevo las reglas de la competitividad global
Steve Hamm
McGraw-Hill, 2006
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Gerhard Gschwandtner
McGraw-Hill, 2006
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Gerhard Gschwandtner
McGraw-Hill, 2006
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Lead Generation for the Complex Sale

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Brian J. Carroll
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A Thousand Barrels a Second

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Generación de clientes potenciales para ventas complejas

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Brian J. Carroll
McGraw-Hill, 2006
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Blog Marketing

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McGraw-Hill, 2005
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The Apple Way

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How to Transform Strategic Initiatives into Blockbuster Results
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Chasing Daylight

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El blog como herramienta de marketing

La nueva forma revolucionaria de incrementar sus ventas, fortalecer su marca y obtener resultados excepcionales
Jeremy Wright
McGraw-Hill, 2005
9 Libro
Douglas McGregor
McGraw-Hill, 2005